10 cent deposit A nuisance for depositors

10 cent deposit: A nuisance for depositors

The deposit for most containers such as beer cans or soft drinks was increased from 5 to 10 cents on Wednesday, a change that still requires many adjustments at the deposit offices.

• Also read: The SAQ increased the price of 1,877 products in November

The change in instructions represents a major challenge for the owners and employees of the depository institutions. Sorting cans and bottles, adjusting quantities, changing the system is a headache for many.

“There we have to look at what the customers bring us and we have to train them to sort it. We have to prepare our inventory to perhaps have a few more cans than usual,” explained Thomas Lessard, co-owner of the Maestro Barrette convenience store.

For independent custodians, the challenge is even greater as all changes must be made manually in their system.

“It caused a lot of problems. The departments are all in disarray, there are products that no longer go to the checkout. “All the bags that come in mixed up, we have to sort through them,” said Downtown Market Assistant Manager Francis Richer.

And the warehouse is visibly filling up.

“[Mardi], we had an employee call my colleague back and say this doesn’t make sense, it won’t stop. “We have no choice, we cannot refuse them, but it would be fun for people to understand this and perhaps go to slightly larger places,” emphasizes Mr. Richer, who asks customers for their understanding.

What changes?

If we recap. The deposit for beer cans and bottles as well as plastic and glass soft drinks increases to 10 cents. And the list of reusable containers is being expanded to include new functions. Aluminum cans of 100ml or more, such as carbonated water, vegetable juice and fruit juice, are now worth 10 cents each.

However, other types of containers are cheaper than before. This applies to cans of 450 ml or more, which cost between 20 and 10 cents. The same applies to glass bottles from 500 ml, which cost between 30 and 25 cents.

Even if the changes come into effect immediately, the custodians will grant their customers a two-week margin. You therefore have until November 15th to move your deposits in order to withdraw the maximum amount.

Further changes will follow

From March 1, 2025, you can also earn money with other deposit types.

Wine, apple and spirits bottles, water bottles and milk or juice cartons are also included in the list of reusable containers.