10 Crazy Uses of ChatGPT and Generative AIs Futura

10 Crazy Uses of ChatGPT and Generative AIs – Futura

Wait! AI start-ups, but also high-tech giants, have gotten into a creative frenzy and seem to stop at nothing. Judge for yourself…

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The race is on and everyone wants to finish. AI applications are springing up like mushrooms, attacking from every direction as if there is a sense of urgency to prevail at all costs. From ChatGPT extensions to generative AIs that seem to stop at nothing, sprawl is the norm. Here are some applications that particularly appealed to us. Many of them are still in development, but the demos are more than promising. It has to be seen to be believed, so we’ve made several demo videos here and there to better illustrate what’s going on…

Audiovisual production tools


You want to get original music for your videos. Type a phrase into Mubert like: “Music for a hike”, “Play for a board”… And that’s it! Mubert generates the desired track and even takes care of granting the usage rights for YouTube.

Demo by Mubert.


Google has already made headlines with MusicLM, an AI that generates music to your specifications but goes even further with SingSong. You play a song and this app generates accompaniments, basically orchestrations! Very impressive.

Demo by SingSong.

miracle studio

To say Wonder Studio shows promise is an understatement. They film themselves in action. Then in this app (still with limited access) you choose a predefined character (real or cartoon) and he then comes to replace you, performing the same gestures! A small revolution in audiovisual production.

Wonder Studio Demo.

Consistent texts in “Text to Image”

You may have noticed. The “Text to Image” or applications capable of converting a text into an image generally sin at the level of the texts. So, while we greatly admire Mid Journey, it has to be acknowledged that it doesn’t know how to manage content and produce gibberish. Luckily it moves. Two applications now stand out.

Stable Diffusion XL

Stable Diffusion XL is a new model of this application that reveals a certain talent for texts. You can test it with the NightCafe application that we introduced to you in our Text-to-Image comparison. Make sure you select the SDXL template and paste text in quotes into your command prompt. As you will see, sometimes you have to try several times, but the result is there.

Deep Floyd IF

Still in an experimental state, Deep Floyd goes much further. This “Text to Image” is among the best of the time and opens up the possibility of creating texts of all kinds: candy-based, in wool, in cursive! Be careful, the model is young and you have to try several times to get what you want – remember to intensify the “Guidance scale” parameter, which indicates to what extent the algorithm should be inspired by the prompt.

“Text to Speech”: with laughter and sighs


When it comes to text-to-speech, two products are currently ahead: Resemble.ai, which we tested in this guide: 10 applications of artificial intelligence that hint at the future, and even more Eleven Labs, which now also integrates French .

What surprised us, however, was the innovative nature of Suno’s Bark. Its strength is that in the text you can specify words in square brackets like laugh (laugh) and sigh (sigh)… to mark a hesitation, and it runs. You can also change the language with the same voice. In short, it sounds very natural.

Demo by Bark.

ChatGPT and other chatbots

Uncle Rabbit

Uncle Rabbit is an attempt to customize ChatGPT by adding the ability to chat with an avatar. The one chosen here is a bit of a childish bunny, but the videos that can be seen on the page of this application, which is still under development, suggest that there is potential there.

Character.ai: Chat with a celebrity

How about a conversation with Elon Musk, Britney Spears, late personalities like Stephen Hawking? Or with fictional characters like Super Mario. That’s what Character.ai offers you, and what to say, the conversations are pretty realistic, although there’s still a long way to go.

Character.ai demo.


The movie Her was prescient. Applications offering virtual friends are being developed. What can I say? It’s awful, but it’s easy to get caught up in the conversation game with a person we’ve defined to our liking. Girlfriend, caution addiction!

Create a website in 30 seconds!


Permanent offers to prototype your website in 30 seconds. Provide the name of the character and the type of activity and let it work. The result is more than honorable – it even adapts the language depending on where you connect from.

Sustainable demo.