10 giga of data published online

10 giga of data published online

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The hacker collective Anonymous had asked Nestl to leave Russia within 48 hours. When time runs out, here’s the attack

From Coca Cola to Ikea, from Nike to Apple. There are many (western) companies that have decided to leave Russia. To close their businesses, physical or virtual, to the Russian people. There are those who are exceptional. Nestl defended its decision to remain in the country, despite urgent requests from Ukraine to do its part economically or symbolically to end the war. We are talking about a multinational company based in Switzerland, which is said to be the largest food company in the world. His insistence on remaining active in Russia was also noted by Anonymous. And the hacker collective decided to take action.

Anonymous gave Nestl 48 hours. Two days to leave Russia. No Answer. When time was running out, the hacker collective released the company’s database online under the hashtag #BoycottNestle. Ten gigabytes of data, emails, passwords, corporate customers. As well as a data sample of more than 50,000 customers. Not only that, Anonymous has stated on Twitter that it is attacking government websites in Russia, printing with their printers, attacking Russian websites, hacking Russian cameras and texting Russian citizens via Ukraine, and also leaking lots of data.

BREAKING NEWS: The hacker group Anonymous has published 10 GB of data from the Swiss company Nestl. This is the retaliation of the collective for continuing the company’s business in Russia. pic.twitter.com/TQjJJrCWZr

Anonymous (@LatestAnonPress) March 22, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky himself called on the Swiss group to join the fight against Russia during a streamed speech at a demonstration in Bern. According to Zelensky, staying in the country contradicts the company’s motto Good Food, Good Life. Nestl responded that it had already downsized its operations significantly, ceasing both exports and imports except for essential products. As well as the suspension of advertising investments. We are not profiting from our remaining deals. The fact that we, like other food companies, supply the population with essential food does not mean that we will continue as before. Nestl employs more than 7,000 people in Russia and generates around 2 percent of its sales from activities in the country. Six local factories are currently still in operation.

As is so often the case, Anonymous has chosen to administer independent justice. Hackers attack the food giant with its most common weapons. Right or wrong, the move follows the collective’s clear decision to declare war on Russia. And with that to all those who do not oppose Putin’s attack on Ukraine. It defied censorship by sending 7 million text messages to Russian citizens to alert them to what’s really going on across the border. He used Google Maps and reviews of bars and restaurants to send them messages. He attacked Russian television and even tweeted the (alleged) plans to invade Ukraine.

March 22, 2022 (Change March 22, 2022 | 18:52)