102yearold woman says secret to long life is good

102yearold woman says secret to long life is ‘good sex’, chocolate and wine

a nice lady 102 years oldidentified as Joyce Jackman, celebrated her birthday and credited her with longevity “Good Sex, Chocolate and Sherry”, a Spanish fortified wine. She happily reaffirms that it was this combination that helped her live for more than a century.

Joyce was honored by the facility team and her family, who surprised her with a birthday cake. Candles were blown out at a care home in Essex, England, on May 9 last month to mark Britain’s 100th anniversary.

But after her interview with the NY Post newspaper, the good humor she found over 100 years ago spread around the world.

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I had a wonderful day“, she said. “I can’t believe I’m 102 years old, it must be all the chocolate I ate that helped,” the lady added.

in the nursing home, Joyce leads an active life. She says she enjoys reading the newspaper, doing crossword puzzles, eating good chocolate and occasionally drinking her favorite wine. See photo:

102yearold woman says sex, chocolate and wine are secrets to longevity

 Joyce Jackman, 102, lives in a care home in Essex, England.Joyce Jackman, 102, lives in a care home in Essex, England. Photo credit: Reproduction/ Care UK SWNS

In her youth, the woman was part of the British Air Force and served actively in the British Army throughout Second World War. After the conflict, she worked in one confectionerywhere he learned a love of sweets, especially chocolate.

“Joyce is a very popular resident of the house,” Joanne Rix, the house manager, told Metro UK. “She always makes us laugh with her amazing sense of humor and attitude to life.”

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old woman 102 years old sex old woman 102 years old wine old woman 102 years old photo old woman 100 years old birthday old woman 102 years old england