118 women murdered in France this year mother and four

118 women murdered in France this year: mother and four children killed in Paris

On average, in France a woman killed every three days. Last year around 118 women killed by her partner or ex-partner in France.

Another femicide shook the country over the Christmas holidays: police on Monday night in an apartment in the town of Meaux, east of Paris five dead uncovered. According to initial media reports, it was a Woman it's yours four children. The 33-year-old Father of children was “on the run”.

See more information: Femicide: “A woman is killed every ten days”

On Tuesday the suspect was stuck. The man was arrested in the nearby town of Sevran, police sources said on St. Stephen's Day. The Versailles Criminal Investigation Department is conducting an investigation into… “intentional homicide” started.

Authorities received tips from relatives

Police officers acted on reports from concerned relatives, said local prosecutor Jean-Baptiste Bladier. “The apartment showed no signs of forced entry and the father was not present,” Bladier said.

See more information: Are more women than men really killed in Austria?

Investigators said the 35-year-old woman and her Children in old age between nine months and ten years were killed with a “cold weapon”, which usually means a knife.

Recently, several infanticides have occurred in the Paris region. At the end of November, a 41-year-old man from Alfortville, in the southeast of the capital, confessed to killing his three daughters, aged between four and eleven. A month earlier, a police officer killed his three daughters and himself in Vémars, northeast of Paris.