depresion siete

depresion siete

The depression over the open waters of the tropical central Atlantic continued to show signs of better organization today, becoming tropical depression number seventeen of the current cyclone season. The maximum continuous wind speed is 55 kilometers per hour and the minimum pressure is 1007 hectoPascals.

At 11 a.m., its central region was estimated to be 15.6 degrees north latitude and 38.8 degrees west longitude, a position that places it about 1,585 kilometers west of the Cape Verde Islands. It is moving west at 24 kilometers per hour.

Over the next 12 to 24 hours, this tropical depression will continue on a similar track, slowing and gaining organization and intensity as it moves across the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The next tropical cyclone warning will be issued today at 6 p.m.

(With information from the Institute of Meteorology)