ismail salem palestina gaza israel 1

ismail salem palestina gaza israel 1

Ismail Salem, father of Bassel Salem, a Palestinian engineer and activist refugee in Cuba. Photo: Summary taken from Cuba.

In the early hours of December 19, Israeli occupation forces murdered 88-year-old Ismail Salem in Gaza along with 150 family members.

He was the father of Bassel Salem, a Palestinian engineer and activist who had sought refuge in Cuba.

He resisted all his life, he was 13 years old when the Nakba took place. He raised a large family and refused to leave his home, his land and his olive trees. It resisted the occupation for 75 years. His five children had to seek refuge in different countries: Bassel, the eldest (Cuba), Kannan (Russia), Adnar (Libya, died during the pandemic), Yousef (Egypt), Hussam (Germany), without being able to return to their place Home since they were young students.

Ismail Salem was one of the founders of the Arab Nationalist Movement and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The Salems' home was in the Beitlahia neighborhood north of Gaza. In early December, military tanks destroyed part of Ismail's large house, where a hundred family members lived. When it came under attack, they had to take refuge on the esplanade of Kamal Odwan Hospital in the cold of winter. With them Bassel's father. The younger ones did their best to take the older father to a safer area. Days later, they managed to reach the three-story building of one of Ismail's brothers in Jabalya, which housed more than 150 family members. They all decided to focus on the ground floor.

In the early hours of December 19, they were bombed by a US F16 aircraft led by Israeli Army Zionists. Of all those present, 16 were hospitalized. Only four bodies have been recovered so far, including that of Ismail, who was buried yesterday. The remains of the Salem family remain among the rubble.

Bassel and his brothers met their father in 2011. They had not seen each other for 12 years and Ismail was due to reunite with his four children in Cairo in October this year. Bassel had his visa to enter Egypt, everything was prepared for the long-awaited meeting with his father and brothers, who would come from four countries to reach it: the father from Palestine, the children from Russia, Cuba and Germany , to meet there the house of Jousef, Bassel's brother, refugee in Cairo.

It couldn't be. Ismail has been under siege in the world's largest open-air concentration camp in Gaza since October following the escalation of Israel's genocide.

“Dear Brother of Causes and Sorrows, I have thought a lot about this message because I do not trust you to interrupt a moment of intimate suffering.
I dare you because I'll be brief: just to offer my shoulder for the pain! A huge, tight hug from the heart.”

Lis and Diaz-Canel

“Bassel is a Palestinian fighter who lives in Cuba and is an integral part of our correspondent as an Arabic translator and dear companion and friend. Therefore, what happened on this occasion fills us with sadness and anger. Especially because every day, like now in the case of Bassel, thousands of Palestinians fall victim to Zionist bombs and the institutional world continues to participate in Israeli crimes as if nothing had happened.

From Latin American summary, we send a hug of solidarity to our dear brother Bassel in this very difficult hour and demand that these crimes against humanity, this cruel genocide against the Palestinian people, at some point in the not too distant future, put the murderer Netanyahu and his ministers in prison.

Palestine will win. Glory and honor to the martyrs!”

Carlos Aznárez, Director of Latin American Summary

“The sacrifice of the Palestinian people, their dignity and their resistance are admirable and very painful. We have accompanied the suffering and loss of so many beautiful and good people. My endless solidarity and a sincere, friendly hug for our colleague Bassel. The cruelty of the executioners and the excessive power that protects them is outrageous, but we will not allow their impunity. “The revolutionary struggle will not end in the face of the injustices of imperialism.”

Mariela Castro Espín, Director of the National Center for Sexual Education of Cuba (Cenesex)

“Dear Bassel, I learned from Graciela Ramírez that your father and other people in your family were murdered. It is another atrocious crime committed by Israel, which continues to act with impunity and with the complicity of the US and its allies.

I know that words are of little use in the face of such painful losses. In any case, from Havana, the House of America, I would like to send you all my solidarity and a fraternal hug. None of these atrocities will go unpunished. Hug your whole family for me. Palestine will be free.”

Abel Prieto, President of House of the Americas

“Our condolences go out to Brother Basel. The Zionist regime continues to murder Palestinians ruthlessly and with the complicity of the North American government.

Our brother suffers for his people and is on the verge of losing his family. Our hug of solidarity.

Palestine will win!”

Fernando Gonzalez Llort, Hero of Cuba and President of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)

“Bassel receives our solidarity and support from your family and people during this difficult time.
Rebeca Hernández, Director of the International Press Center (CPI)

(Summary from Cuba)