145 mph chase Watch a cop spin a BMW

145 mph chase: Watch a cop spin a BMW

A 19-year-old American man led a police officer in pursuit and was driving a BMW at a speed of 145 mph before the patrolman spun him.

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The incident, which the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday with supporting video, happened just before 1 a.m. on May 11.

A police officer on patrol overtook a BMW at a speed of 87 MPH (approx. 140 km/h) in a 45 MPH (approx. 72 km/h) zone. The officer chased after the hurrying driver, who then accelerated to 140 MPH (225 km/h).

The suspect was forced to slow down as he approached a bend, giving the officer an opportunity to catch up and slam into his car from behind, causing it to skid and immobilizing him.

The 19-year-old driver had a restricted driver’s license that prohibited him from driving after midnight. In addition, open bottles of alcohol were found in the vehicle while the 19-year-old passenger was drunk.

The driver was arrested and faces five charges for his driving exploits. His passenger, in turn, was charged with alcohol possession when he was under 21 years old.