nina palestina refugiados rafah ene24

gaza mujeres guerra

Calling on the women of the world to stop Israel's genocide in Palestine

The International Anti-Imperialist Network for the Articulation of Women's Organizations, Social Movements and Women of Left Political Parties (RIAOMPI) We call on all women's organizations and all women in the world to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and to bring to justice the war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

A permanent ceasefire is urgently needed to stop the systematic extermination of defenseless women, children and girls carried out by the Zionist government of Israel in Palestine, with the complicity of the imperialism of the United States and its European satellites.

The annihilation has the face of a woman and a childhood. As of January 4, 2024, 9,730 martyrs and 6,830 martyrs have been murdered. Of the 7,000 missing, 70% are women and children.

After the occupation bombed ambulances, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) relief facilities, schools, bakeries, places of worship, water tanks and power panels, and isolated Gaza from the outside world by shutting down internet and media, 30 hospitals were rendered inoperable set, 53 health centers were decommissioned, 150 health facilities were partially attacked by Israel, today we see them bombing every resource of life in Gaza.

Israeli Zionism has displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families, whose homes have been destroyed by bombs and bulldozer tanks. And although the precarious shelters were also bombed, there is no safe area to go to in all of Palestine.

The famine, in which more than 2 million Palestinians suffered from cold and rain in the harsh winter, was criminally calculated by Israel by preventing food production, the normal development of life in Gaza through shelling and the destruction of roads and traces, to prevent humanitarian aid from entering. They want to starve hundreds of thousands of children and nursing women. Due to inhumane living conditions, diseases among children, women and the elderly have multiplied.

In Palestine, 50,000 women are pregnant and 5,000 women have to give birth in January. Under what conditions will they be able to do this? They had to perform cesarean sections without anesthesia, heal wounds with household vinegar and perform operations using the light from cell phones. Children are born prematurely and with low weight, women in labor contract infections due to complications during childbirth, supported by their own relatives, unable to reach a hospital, because they are under siege by the Israeli army or because of a lack of fuel There is a shortage of ambulances, which are also under attack. Many have died as a result. What life expectancy can babies have?

The occupation of Israel has destroyed national data registries, another frightening calculation, along with the eradication of entire families so that no records remain of them.

Journalists, poets, writers, artists, doctors, athletes, working women and housewives from four generations were murdered along with their daughters and sons. Thousands of them lie under the rubble.

Pregnant women searching for the bodies of their husbands were murdered outside the Al-Awda Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, whose director was kidnapped by the Israeli army because he refused to abandon patients.

Since October 7, the Israeli army and prison service have pursued an unprecedented policy of terrorism and repression against Palestinian prisoners. The oppression goes beyond the 7,000 people incarcerated. During their detention and interrogation, they were subjected to violence, torture and humiliation, some of which even resulted in their death.

From RIAOMPI we demand the freedom of Palestinian parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar, left-wing feminist activist and human rights defender. We demand the freedom of all political prisoners, children and young people and all women in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine.

We demand an end to the massacre and destruction. We demand an end to the occupation. We demand a permanent ceasefire.

Against this background, we call on all feminist and women's organizations in the world to join our demands and sign the letter to support the initiative of the Republic of South Africa before the International Court of Justice (ICJJ, against Israel for genocide, based in the Convention on Prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, the trial of which began on January 11, 2024 in The Hague.

Women from all over the world. We support the women of Palestine

(Taken from the Latin American summary)