16yearold teenager falls into coma after being attacked by moral

16yearold teenager falls into coma after being attacked by moral police in Iranian subway; Check it out

The young woman’s mother was arrested and her whereabouts are unknown; The case takes place in the midst of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony and just over a year after the death of Mahsa Amini

Armita Geravand was attacked by the moral police for not wearing her hijab properly

Just over a year after the death of Mahsa Aminiaccused by the moral police for not wearing the hijab correctly, a similar case occurs in will On Sunday 1, according to the Kurdish human rights group Hengaw, the teenager Armita GeravandThe 16yearold was beaten and “seriously injured” on Sunday, 1, by the moral police who monitor the Islamic dress code. She was taken to the hospital unconscious. The attack is said to have taken place in the subway Tehran. She was approached because she was not wearing the hijab, an Islamic veil. The Iranian authorities deny the case. Although they did not reveal the young woman’s health, activists say Geravand fell into a coma and that the hospital where she was admitted has implemented strict security measures such as access controls. Videos circulating on social media show the moment when the young woman is taken out of the subway car with the help of other passengers. According to the NGO, the young woman’s family came under pressure from the Iranian authorities since the case began to spread on social media. All family members’ cell phones were confiscated.

On Wednesday 5th, the NGO reported that the teenager’s mother, Shahin Ahmadi, was arrested and “currently her whereabouts and custody situation remain unknown.” Amid this new case of violence against women, the activist and journalist Narges Mohammadi won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. The Iranian has become a role model of inspiration for many women around the world, showing that the fight for rights is a battle that must be fought tirelessly, and she is the 19th woman to win this prize has won since 1901. Mohammadi was arrested 13 times, convicted five times and sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes. Her last conviction to date came in January 2022, when she was sentenced to eight years in prison and 70 lashes. She is currently held in Evin Prison in Tehran and is the target of “judicial and police persecution to silence her,” according to the NGO Reporters Without Borders.

The video shows Armita entering the subway and falling to the ground in less than 5 seconds. It seems unlikely that a fight would break out and she would be defeated in such a short space of time. pic.twitter.com/JhAjOLZemP

Mina (@MinaRahmani) October 4, 2023