2018 Canada Junior Team a story that has been stinking

2018 Canada Junior Team: a story that has been stinking for a long time

The sad story of the alleged gang rape committed by Junior Team Canada players in London in June 2018 resurfaced in the news on Wednesday, but has already been making headlines for several months, with some of its chapters causing great controversy. Ink.

At a time when local authorities – according to The Globe and Mail newspaper – are waiting for five hockey players to file charges against them, many hope that justice will be done regarding the scandal that broke in May 2022 The journalist's pen came to light. by TSN Rick Westhead. The whole thing caused a stir in the country and led to various unrest within Hockey Canada. The national association was also very heated.

• Also read: Collective rape: Police demand five players from the ECJ 2018 to hand over

• Also read: Gang rape in 2018: Where did the Junior Team Canada players go?

Here is a look back at the most notable facts of the case, which, for very bad reasons, will remain in the annals of the national sports scene.

– June 18, 2018: A gala that goes wrong

The alleged incidents occurred during a gala organized by Hockey Canada in London, which was attended by several ECJ skaters. Eight players are said to have sexually assaulted a woman that night. His father-in-law reportedly informed the association about the incident and an internal investigation was launched. The London police also launched their own investigation.

A $3.55 million lawsuit

The alleged victim filed a $3.55 million lawsuit in April 2022 against Hockey Canada, eight players from the 2018 Canadian Junior Team and the Canadian Hockey League. However, the dispute was settled out of court, although the amount of the agreement was never disclosed.

In May 2022, the National Hockey League also announced that it was conducting its own investigation into the alleged actions of the players involved in the case.

A few months later, an investigation revealed that Hockey Canada had a reserve fund funded by small hockey registration fees that was used, among other things, to cover claims in sexual misconduct cases. The Trudeau government, particularly through then-Sports Minister Pascale St-Onge, froze the national association's funding.

Over the summer, London police reopened the investigation into the gang rape involving several members of Junior Team Canada 2018.

– Sponsors are withdrawing

Scotiabank, Telus, Canadian Tire, Tim Hortons and Imperial Oil have stopped financing Hockey Canada from June 2022. These companies particularly expected measures to improve their internal culture.

Equipment manufacturers Nike and Bauer also made a similar decision.

– A wave of resignations

On October 13, 2022, President and CEO Scott Smith and all members of the Board of Directors decided to resign. Two days later, Hockey Canada, along with its 13 member associations, agreed to implement seven recommendations from the Cromwell report, which called for several key changes within the organization.

On Wednesday, five players from the Canada 2018 Junior Team squad were ordered to report to London police.