2024 explosive year by Western standards

2024: explosive year by Western standards

The world will probably burn on both sides of the Atlantic in 2024.

First, let's take a look at Europe.

The old world seems to be swept away by decadence more than ever.

Power is seized by a quasi-Soviet oligarchy that controls the institutions of the European Union and enforces the ideology of diversity everywhere. Countries see their sovereignty confiscated.


But the people can no longer bear it, especially since this power structure, which wants to present itself as a “rule of law” even though it is only a fake, condemns them to powerlessness. politically, especially given the massive immigration that is driving several countries into the abyss.

Today, democracy, identity and public freedoms are being trampled underfoot in the name of the “rule of law”.

European elections will take place in June. Many expect that the parties derogatorily described as “populist” by the media will make a real breakthrough in several countries. However, this wave could change the fate of Europe.

Now let's look at what is happening in the United States. The presidential elections risk further dividing a country that has already symbolically descended into the world of civil war, in which an objectively senile old man who has become the puppet of his entourage and a megalomaniacal ex-president in internal exile , who sees himself as a fallen king and wanted to reclaim his throne at any cost.


Unless the second one can show up. Colorado and Maine are doing their best to exclude him from admission. In other words, the courts want to exclude from the political game the man who must now be called the opposition leader in the United States. I don't think well of Trump, but this manipulation is unworthy of a democratic regime and will most likely lead to social tensions and even violence.

I'll say it again: The year 2024 will be explosive, as if the disintegration of the West is accelerating before our eyes.