27 Certain Foods People Say Are Very Very American

27 Certain Foods People Say Are Very, Very American

When you think of the United States, many things probably come to mind. American food, in particular, is a term as broad as all the different people and cultures that make up the United States. Still, there are a handful of dishes that many agree speak to the heart of American culture. So Redditor asked u/FruityandtheBeast: “What do you think it is [definitive] Food of the United States?” Here’s what people said.


1. “PB&J. I was grocery shopping the other day when a very nice German guy asked me for advice. He was visiting friends from his home country and wanted to introduce them to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He asked if I could give him any advice on the best ingredients. He already had some type of artisanal bread from the bakery department in his cart, but I told him to put that back, go to the bread department and get the plain white miracle bread. Then there was some debate about the merits of Welch’s grape jelly versus strawberry jam and how most big brand peanut butters are optimal versus the oily natural variety. He walked away enthusiastic and I felt like a cultural ambassador.”

2. “Fried chicken. Its origins are based on a Scottish cuisine that requires frying unseasoned foods in lard combined with West African spices.”

3. “S’mores. I’ve traveled the world and nobody else knows what s’mores are to Americans.”

4. “As a non-US person, I would kill to try a peach cobbler or a pumpkin pie.”

5. “Cookies and gravy, but not just any gravy. Sausage gravy.”

6. “Chocolate chip cookies. I now live in the Netherlands and they have foods similar to chocolate chip cookies here, but they are mediocre at best. And they all call them “American Cookies” – which I find hilarious. I once made chocolate chip cookies from scratch and gave some to our Italian neighbors. Watching their faces as they ate them for the first time was amazing. There’s nothing quite like that crunchy crust, that soft center, that buttery, chocolaty deliciousness.”

7. “The Cuban sandwich that originated in Tampa Bay, Florida.”

8. “Betty Crocker Recipes. Betty defined the classic Central American dinner for decades. Imagine: chicken breasts topped with provolone slices, covered in creamy chicken soup, then covered with filling and butter and baked at 350ºC for 40 minutes.

9. “Americanized Chinese food. Even while living in Asia, I would crave General Tso’s chicken and honey walnut shrimp because it’s just not the same abroad.”

10. “Mac ‘n’ Cheese. My non-American wife first thought it was called ‘Mecan Cheese’, which she thought was short for American Cheese. She had never seen the word written, and I was talking about it, I’ve often missed my mom’s homemade mac.”

11. “Fluffernutter sandwiches are peanut butter and luff. Just make sure you’re getting the real marshmallow fluff and not fake.”

12. “Tex Mex. It’s not Mexican food, it’s a Texan creation that combines the best of both cuisines.”

13. “Fried Oreos from a state county fair. In fact, pretty much anything that’s fried and served at a state county fair is American culture at its finest.”

14. “Grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch on a cold winter’s day.”

15. “Ranch dressing. Anything you dip in ranch dressing is American by baptism.”

16. “A Midwestern-style casserole, especially one made with at least one can of Campbell’s Cream of Chicken, canned vegetable, or mushroom soup as a key ingredient.”

17. “Roasted chicken steak. I know you might think this creation is similar to German schnitzel, but it’s not the same. American fried chicken steak is the size of a plate and is served with white sauce.”

18. “Barbecue. Pizza and burgers may be universally eaten here in the States, but they’re really adaptations of European foods. In contrast, barbecues like brisket, ribs, or pulled pork — slow-cooked in a pit smoker and smothered in barbecue sauce — are more American in origin (and extraordinarily delicious). There are also many regional variations that mostly result from the available resources. Today, different styles of grilling are a strong point of regional pride and the subject of endless debate about what’s best.”

19. “I was in Tokyo recently and came across a place called Bubby’s American Cookery. Their specialty was bacon-wrapped meatloaf, so I think that says it best.”

20. “There are many great American dishes out there, but I don’t think anything will ever be as typically ‘American’ as a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise, a side of french fries with ketchup, and a milkshake. This dish is the heart and soul of American cuisine.”

21. “Conch chowder, specifically white chowda, and none of those red sauce shenanigans. And lobster of course. I know it’s a global food right now, but the best lobster in the world is from New England (mainly Maine) and wow are they good.”

22. “Thanksgiving dinner. This secular holiday is celebrated by pretty much every American in the form of a huge meal. While different families have their own traditions, the essence is the same: a feast of high-carb, buttery sides (mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato with marshmallows, green bean casserole, etc.) with a turkey focus, followed by delicious pies. Whether by sheer calorie intake or tryptophan, this delightful and extravagant meal is designed to literally put you to sleep. Normal mealtime even begins.”

23. “Chili. It’s based on ingredients from the New World, each region of the US has its own variation, families have their own recipes, and internet wars have been waged over how to define “real” chili. (Most of us can agree that Cincinnati is wrong.) We mass-produced it, added fast food, and made it worse for you by adding tons of cheese and pouring it over fries.

24. “Breakfast cereal, especially the sugary ones, strike me as quintessentially American.”

25. “A big old dinner-style breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and hash browns… even better when eaten after midnight.” When I think of ‘American’ food, I think of an old-fashioned diner with large, laminated menus and vintage booths that have stood in the same place for generations. This type of establishment simply does not exist anywhere else in the world that I have visited. And no dinner is as essential as a 24-hour breakfast.”

26. “Creole food like jambalaya and gumbo. This kitchen is probably the most truly “American”. Aside from a handful of French cooking techniques, the dishes are truly unique.”

27. “Buffalo wings invented and perfected in Buffalo, New York. This creation has no roots in other countries.”

What is one food that you consider culturally American? Tell us in the comments.

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