1706193743 27 years in prison camp for young Russian girl because

27 years in prison camp for young Russian girl because of explosive attack Russia

Guilty verdict

Ultranationalist military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky died in the explosion. However, the masterminds of the crime remain unknown. A report from Moscow

AP/Dmitri Lovetsky

Darya Trepova, a suspect in a bombing that killed a well-known Russian military blogger, attends a hearing at the 1st Military Court of the Western District in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky )

AP/Dmitri Lovetsky

Darja Trepova, 26, will have to spend 27 years in a prison camp. A little less than the 28 years in prison required by the Public Ministry. The young woman was convicted for her role in the fatal bomb attack on military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky in April last year. Her involvement appears to have been proven—but otherwise the court case has provided little new information about the background to the attack.

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