3 Rockets from Gaza fighters hit directly in Israel including

(3) Rockets from Gaza fighters hit directly in Israel, including Tel Aviv, according to authorities – CNN

According to the Israel Defense Forces, Hamas has taken hostages and prisoners of war since its surprise attack on Saturday morning.

In videos geolocated and authenticated by CNN, Hamas appears to have captured Israelis in and near Gaza, including Israeli soldiers.

In one of the videos, geolocated by CNN in Gaza’s Shejaiya district, a barefoot woman is pulled from the trunk of a jeep by an armed man and then forced into the back seat of the car. Her face is bleeding and her wrists appear to be tied behind her back with cables. The Jeep also appears to have an Israel Defense Forces license plate, suggesting it may have been stolen and taken to Gaza.

Another video that appears to show Hamas militants capturing several Israelis was geolocated by CNN to Be’eri in southern Israel, a village near Gaza.

In another series of geolocated and authenticated videos, Hamas appears to be capturing Israeli soldiers.

The first video shows Hamas fighters pulling two obviously frightened and stunned soldiers out of a disabled tank. It is not clear from the video how the tank was disabled, but Hamas is using drones to drop bombs on Israeli tanks.

A short video clip shows the militants kicking one of the soldiers lying on the ground. In the next clip you can see the soldier lying motionless on the ground.

The second soldier is taken away by Hamas fighters.

A third soldier – whose face was very bloody – lies motionless on the ground near the tank track. CNN does not know the current whereabouts or status of the three soldiers.

Another video taken later shows various armed men surrounding the tank. The three soldiers seen in the first video are nowhere to be seen.

In the second video, the gunmen can be seen pulling a fourth Israeli soldier out of the tank.

The soldier is motionless as he is dragged down the side of the tank and onto the ground. The armed men then begin trampling on the man’s body.

The video is heavily edited – Hamas has blurred the faces of its militants – and was posted on Hamas’ official social media accounts. CNN has geolocated the video and can report that it was shot along Gaza’s eastern border, near the border wall.