3 zodiac signs are a bit stubborn on December 14

3 zodiac signs are a bit stubborn on December 14, 2023

Knowing that we have just entered a retrograde cycle with Mercury, we are all aware that at this point in the game it is all about communication.

December 14, 2023 adds to the retrograde excitement by bringing us the transit of the Moon conjunct Mercury, setting a large portion of Mercury Retrograde in motion down here on Earth.

What we, or rather the three zodiac signs, will experience on this day is a conflict as we think very strongly about something that we believe to be the truth when in reality we could be completely wrong. So the conflict lies in the idea that we will fight hard for something that everyone around us seems to recognize as both flawed and perhaps even a fraud.

This is so “Mercury” it's not even funny, since this planet really gets to the heart of how we can misunderstand something to the point where we defend it… for reasons no one else understands.

We are wrong today and we don't accept it because during the Moon's conjunction with Mercury we are unwilling to learn that perhaps we really did make a mistake. Let’s call this day a “weird” day. Gross perhaps, but strange…yeah.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 14, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

With the Moon conjunct Mercury in your immediate universe, you stick to your guns when it comes to an opinion that no one seems to share with you. This can cause tension at work that really upsets you. However, you are true to yourself and don't want to give up just because your opinion is unpopular. You will remain strong during this transit and hold on to what you believe to be true, and on December 14, 2023, you will receive criticism for it.

You really want a life where no one gives you a hard time, and because you value your job, you feel like you're pressured to keep your mouth shut when it comes to sharing what the Head goes. You have the kind of job that encourages free expression and the exchange of ideas. You will find that during the Moon's conjunction with Mercury you are repressed and unable to be your full self in front of your colleagues, which will really test you.

All you want is to do your job well, and to do that you feel like you have to be completely yourself. This means that occasionally you share a crazy idea with colleagues, and the problem today is that what you think is this imaginative and wonderful idea is actually wrong and poorly thought out. This is how the Moon does its work in conjunction with Mercury, and with a retrograde conjunction in the background, one can expect very little support.

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2. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

There are two ways you can deal with all the Mercury energy currently affecting your Gemini mood. You can start an argument with someone over an opinion that you alone believe to be true, or you can retreat into solitude and hold on to your opinion until you eventually find that that doesn't work anymore either. What is happening today, December 14, 2023, is that you are facing the transit of the Moon conjunct Mercury and this is affecting your ability to know the truth.

The thing about you, Gemini, is that when you believe in something, everyone else is just “wrong” if they don't see it the same way you do. While they have the ability to be very understanding, there is also one Part of you that only has so much patience with a person before you just walk away from them with your hands up. Today is that day. Today, December 14th, try to explain your “way” to someone, and if they don’t understand, run away.

What you will learn too late is that you left too soon, because this powerful concept you hold so tightly to is nothing more than the nonsense you sold yourself. That's the kicker with the Moon conjunct Mercury; You convince yourself that you're right and then get a steaming “You're wrong” after trying to convince others of your truth. You're wrong, they know it, you don't, and that's how the day goes for you.

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3. Cancer

(June 21st – July 22nd)

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You're so NOT in the mood for how today, December 14, 2023, is going to pan out for you, and that's in large part because during the Moon's conjunction with Mercury, you feel like you're not losing patience for anyone in this world doesn't support your way of thinking? You woke up in a bad mood and if “they” don’t get along with you, they can walk away. You're serious too. This is no joke, and you want to show everyone in your life that you mean business.

During the Moon's transit in conjunction with Mercury, there is a strange impression that no one is listening. It is as if you stepped forward and proclaimed what you believed to be the great truth of the day, and all you heard in response was the chirping of crickets. Are you that unimportant? The thing is, Cancer, it's not that you're not valued. The thing is, today no one cares about other people's opinions except their own. That's the truth of the day. We can fight it or forget it.

December 14, 2023 is also the second day of Mercury retrograde and it is getting stronger, so misunderstandings and misinterpretations are to be expected during this time. The safest thing to do is to simply keep your opinions and ideas to yourself and recognize that the universe is not giving you the right space to express yourself at this time and that patience and waiting is in order.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.