3 Zodiac Signs Make Healthy Choices on November 20 2023

3 Zodiac Signs Make Healthy Choices on November 20, 2023

It’s November 20, 2023 and here we are, in the middle of the stress of the holiday season. No matter what we do during the holidays, even if we do NOTHING during this time of year, we can’t help but feel drawn into the vortex that demands our attention. One thing is certain; Whether we try or just take it easy, we are with the only person we want to be with: our romantic partner.

What we’ll notice is that during the Pisces Moon, our daily transit, we feel a sense of togetherness that we can wear almost like armor.

We will get through all of this together, because for the three zodiac signs here, being together means something to us. It’s important, it makes sense and it’s worth improving and if possible making it even better.

During the Pisces Moon, we want to be honest, healthy and optimistic about the future with our partner. We’re here for the long haul, as they say. To do this, we will use the gentleness of this day, November 20, 2023, and plan things the way that is best for us in terms of love, health, attitude and life itself.

Three Zodiac Signs Making Healthy Choices on November 20, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

What you realize on this day, November 20, 2023, during the Pisces Moon transit, is that the time for change is NOW. Both you and your partner have discussed the idea of ​​changing certain habits to allow for a healthier lifestyle. Nevertheless, the actual start date is always “sometime in the near future”. You see it all too clearly; If you don’t start now, it will never happen, and you refuse to believe in “never.”

However, you are a proactive person and as a doer rather than an observer, you are in a position to be the one to light the fire. If it were left up to your partner, you would feel like nothing would ever improve. While it might be fun to stay lazy and just engage in something lazy but loving, that’s really not what you want to do; You want to be healthy. You want them to be healthy, and that won’t happen if you don’t take the initiative.

The Pisces Moon has something to offer when it comes to seeing and preparing for the future, as this is a very beneficial transit. This event encourages us to take good care of ourselves because it shows us that not only is life short, but also that we are fragile. You are so smart and on November 20th you will realize that you want a happy, healthy future with your partner… and that all you have to do to get it is… do the work.

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2. Leo

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

It’s the end of the year and you’re feeling pressured. You’re under pressure to be the family man, the best friend, the romantic partner, the best gift-giver… you just feel like you might not be able to do it all this year. That’s because you’ve forgotten what it’s like to think for yourself. This time of year is the time when you give everything to everyone else, except this year, during the Pisces Moon, things are about to change.

On November 20, 2023, you will realize that you are truly losing your mind and that you can stop it. Something your partner tells you will cut through the noise and really get to your heart: He will suggest that you stop, take a breath, and understand that it is you who is causing you the most stress. This stress is what tears your nerves apart. During the Pisces Moon, you will listen to this person because what they say makes sense.

This day has the potential to change everything for you, including the upcoming holidays. You did everything wrong; Yes, you can still enjoy the season, but your approach was so unhealthy, lacking real enthusiasm. On November 20th, during the Pisces Moon, you and your partner will “see the light.” It will be shown that you can do anything… if you approach and perceive it from the perspective of health and focusing on your well-being. This is where self-love comes to the rescue, Leo.

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3. Fish

(February 19th – March 20th)

Getting on the right path is entirely your thing, Pisces. During the Pisces Moon, you are even more ready, willing, and able to do the right thing and bring your romantic partner along for the ride. Although you always want to maintain a certain level of independence, you are still fully committed to being with a person and sharing your life with them. However, there are conditions, and on November 20, 2023 you may be inspired to get down to business with them.

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For example, the holidays are coming and you’re not interested in gaining a million pounds this year, like both you and your partner do every year. To counteract this, you will be disciplined, which may be difficult for your partner since everything is pure temptation. However, you will mention to your partner that moderation is key and the key to success in everything you do together. So eat the cake, but don’t eat the whole cake.

During the Pisces Moon, health is king. You have no interest in feeling sluggish, overweight, or unhealthy, and you don’t feel like you owe the universe your gluttony this time of year. It’s all waiting for you, but you want to show your romantic partner that discipline is true beauty and that restraining gluttonous actions is actually a victorious feeling.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.