3 Zodiac Signs Need a Change in Their Relationships on

3 Zodiac Signs Need a Change in Their Relationships on December 4, 2023

On this day, December 4, 2023, we will all be affected by the transit called Mars Square Lilith. While we certainly feel it most in our love lives, Mars Square Lilith isn’t just limited to romance.

In fact, if we are prone to drama or overreaction, this day could end up very destructive. Let’s keep it under wraps today, or at least try as best we can to avoid overblown drama.

Three zodiac signs will definitely feel the pressure of Mars square Lilith, as this transit is meant to uproot our sense of who we are and challenge us to think that if something is wrong, we need to make it right .

We’re going to channel that energy into our romantic lives today, and that could make things really difficult for our partners. Yikes.

So, first things first: We will decide that something is terribly wrong and that it is entirely up to our partners to fix it.

We won’t realize we need to do anything because Mars square Lilith makes us fixate on the problem rather than the cause.

It is the energy of the problem that is gripping us, and on this day, December 4, 2023, we will find it difficult to come to terms with reality. We want change, and we want it now.

Three zodiac signs need a change in their love lives on December 4, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

Oh, you want change, sure. In fact, you definitely feel like your patience is completely exhausted and if you don’t get the change you need, you will definitely lose your temper. You have seen things in your love life that you do not want to accept.

The problem with you is that even though you think of yourself as this tough guy who gets to the point and gets things done, you’ve started to realize that you’ve been way too nice and way too lax with your demands .

That’s why December 4, 2023 weighs you down to the bone and makes you realize that you are the problem here, and all because you were too casual with your romantic partner.

In fact, you let her get away with murder. During Mars’ transit square Lilith, you’ll finally pull yourself together and tell them what the real story is. The truth is, you need change, and you need it now. Not tomorrow, not in three weeks. NOW.

Your partner has gotten used to you going along with him at his pace, but he’s also started to take advantage of the idea that you really don’t bother him. They see that you are kind and compassionate, but in reality they are taking advantage of your kind nature. Mars Square Lilith challenges you to step forward and let them know, “This isn’t happening.”

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2. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22)

Life is already hard enough for you, Virgo, and when a transit like Mars squares Lilith comes along, you feel the need to seize its energy and make the most of it. In this case, it’s all about the actions, or rather the “lack of” actions, that your romantic partner seems to exhibit. You’re really not sure when it started, but all you see is laziness and her inability to get with the program and say, “Wake up, this is a relationship, not a solo gig!”

Maybe the two of you have fallen into a slow routine where neither of you wants to be the other’s inspiration, but that has only brought you boredom and apathy. During Mars Square Lilith you will realize that you are not okay with the whole “boredom” journey and that you want to make a change. You don’t want “change” to be just words. You want action.

You’ll notice that when you hear “Mars Square Lilith” you’re a little bit quick with your old mouth and what you say may sound a bit snarky.

Luckily, your partner knows how to deal with your temper and verbal “agitation,” but he needs to do more than just deal with it. You must commit to change and commit to whatever comes to mind for both of you on this day, December 4, 2023.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20th – February 18th)

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Not only do you feel the need for change in your love life, but you also feel like you both need to take another look at the good in this life that you share and elaborate on. You are both very smart people and that is what you like about the relationship; You enjoy the banter and intelligent conversations you both have. On December 4, 2023, you may be overlooking the fact that you no longer treat each other the same way you used to.

This is where your big brain comes into play. During Mars’ transit square Lilith, you will be inspired to start a fight. The fight has one goal and that is to break the ice. Lilith’s energy may be fiery, but she often has a plan. In your case, Aquarius, the plan is about finding a way back to the point where you and your partner can communicate as usual again.

This day is important and you will make the most of it.

You will see that your partner, like you, is smart and can handle whatever comes their way. This means that there may still be a lot of resentment expressed during Mars square Lilith. That’s fine. You would rather have everything out in the open than be oppressed and lie on the couch like a lazy person mindlessly watching TV. You agree to work toward the change you need and it will come on this day, December 4, 2023.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.