zodiac signs great day march 14 2022

3 zodiac signs that will have a great horoscope for March 14, 2022

Today’s astrology brings an escapist attitude. You might just want to go with the easiest fix, which isn’t always the best.

There is a great opportunity today for some self-awareness that will put you firmly on the threshold of ever having to learn certain lessons again. However, first, you need to find the strength within yourself to walk the path you decide will help you achieve your dreams.

The Moon is in Leo all day, which makes you feel confident but a little impatient in getting what you want.

It doesn’t help the connections that the Moon makes today, as today is meant to test you to see how much you deserve to make your dreams come true.

The universe is not cruel, and it’s not about karma. However, in order to enter a new phase of your life, you need to make sure that you know what you were meant to; otherwise you won’t be really ready for it.

Even if we want something but are not truly ready for it, we often end up sabotaging ourselves and destroying it.

But not at this time.

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This time, you must show how far you have come and that you will not succumb to what is easy, or false promises of comfort, or anything that will make you lower your standards for what you know you deserve. .

Mars will caress the Moon in Leo during the early hours of the morning, giving you the tools and determination to resist whatever challenge the Universe may throw at you.

You just have to remember why you started, but above all why you continue, and that one day of testing should never be enough to make you give up on what you really need.

Three zodiac signs that have so much to look forward to in their horoscopes for Monday, March 14, 2022:

1. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

Because of how much work you’ve been doing lately, you’ve been encouraged to know that you’re no longer who you were. You are no longer in the relationship you were in.

This is important because sometimes when situations come up they can make us think that you’ve backed off or that your life isn’t as much of a testament to your growth as you thought.

But a big part of it is acknowledging that not every day is perfect, no job is stress-free, and that your romantic partner won’t do everything right every day. None of this means that everything is the same as before, it only means that this is life. So today, look at how much has changed and be clear.

Venus and Mars are now snuggly in your zodiac sign, and the Moon in Leo illuminates your personal relationships. It’s time to free yourself not only from the memories that may be holding you back, but, most importantly, from your own self-doubt.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 – March 20)

Today’s energy will register for you as one of two paths. Either you will shut up and go into observation mode, or you will be full of energy, as if you were full of self-confidence during the day.

Both are appropriate responses to today’s astrology and it just depends on what you’ve been through recently and where you’re heading on your next journey.

Today is the last day that the Sun and Neptune will connect in your sign, enhancing your already high intuition and sensitivity.

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It can also be a day when you can feel things that you can’t logically explain. Your intuition comes whether you are silent or feel on top of the world. Therefore, today, of all days, it is extremely important to accept and acknowledge this for yourself.

The lesson is to accept the truth about who you are, not how you imagine them to be. Accept who you are, intuition and all, because there is something special about you, always has been. It’s time to start seeing it for yourself so that no one else can talk you out of the magic that you already know exists within.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

If you constantly talk yourself out of living big, the only thing left for you is living small. This energy is washing over you today, directly reminding you that you can create your own reality. However, if you are only ever afraid of your greatness, you will never be able to step into it.

There may be tests today. But the problem with tests is that they don’t have that label. They look like fun, like a distraction, like something easy, but instead they cost you your growth and integrity.

Don’t allow yourself to give up on the work you’ve done just because today you doubt if it will ever happen or if it will be worth it. The point is that today really offers a turning point in your journey, and if you can get through it, then you are truly ready for the next level of your life.

You just have to remember that there will always be paths that seem easier, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily meant for you.

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Kate Rose is an artist. writer, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. To see more of her work, visit her website.