3 zodiac signs welcome being alone on December 26 2023

3 zodiac signs welcome being alone on December 26, 2023

We have this Cold Moon on December 26, 2023, and just like it sounds, this Full Moon will be just as cold in energy as the name suggests.

Some of us will find that we are the ones giving off the cool vibes, while there will be others who will feel like all the frozen energy is directed at them.

This full moon will do one thing for sure: it will make us feel like we can do anything but “relax.”

Interesting how it works, but on December 26, 2023, during the Cold Moon. Three zodiac signs will notice that this is truly a day meant for retreat and introspection. While that's not necessarily a negative thing, it's just a matter of retreat. These three zodiac signs might seem antisocial or a little too reserved.

The meaning here is that this “cold” moon represents the cold, and although that seems obvious enough, we humans don't like the cold. Instead, we need to be careful during the colder months, which means protecting ourselves from environmental threats. It's all symbolic; Actually, today is about arming ourselves against what we believe could be potentially harmful.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 26, 2023:

1. Cancer

(June 21st – July 22nd)

You are always particularly sensitive when it comes to the moon's energy, and during the cold full moon on December 26, 2023, you will know that it is best to stay at home, in the safety of familiar surroundings. Whether it's cold outside or you're in a tropical paradise doesn't matter. What is going on for you, Cancer, is that you are being called to retreat and during the cold full moon you will answer that call.

Everything in your life is telling you that you need to back down now. While this is definitely something that will give you strength and courage, right now you have to deal with reality, and that reality shows you that your best hand is the one you play at home, alone, on your own Risk. You are completely interested in being alone today as you have “things” to think about.

For another person, this might be a day where it's almost “too much”, but you are a very sensitive person and that doesn't necessarily mean you are weak; In fact, you are exactly the opposite. You have the power that allows you to step back and make the right decisions, and during the cold full moon you will feel like you can only do this by taking time out to regroup and figure things out for yourself.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22nd – December 21st)

In some ways, today isn't all that hard for you, Sagittarius, because you're used to withdrawing and going into your head. During the cold full moon, you will realize that nature is calling you to retreat and that you must answer this call. It's okay because you do your best work when you're alone. This transit has you working with nature, not against it. Silence is not a problem for you, and introspection is even better.

You may need to remind certain people around you that you need to be alone at this time and that they must honor your request. This is the only thing that can be disturbing, as you have already seen, that not everyone in the world is ready to understand this person who wants to stay away from all other people. However, you don't feel like you need to explain it, and during the cold full moon this may cause others to judge you.

It's okay, you don't mind. That's part of the plan, after all. You need to withdraw from all social gatherings simply because you need to clear your mind from the noise of other people's judgment or opinions. Let them find you on their journey. What you do know is that during the cold full moon, now is the time of year to retreat to. You're not a lively partygoer. You are the silent, smiling monk.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22nd – January 19th)

As the cold full moon passes by on this day, December 26, 2023, you will be ready for what it has in store for you: silence, peace, tranquility and relaxation. Although you may spend some of this time in quiet reflection, you are just as easily seduced into thoughts of nothingness when you feel like you've spent as much as you can this year and that now you , on this day, December 26th, I'm over it. You need a break and the cold full moon signals the starting signal for this idea.

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You can't help but feel like you just want to retreat. While you know that the people in your life will still constantly ask about this, that, and the other, today you can simply do the unpopular thing and “just say no.” Nobody likes it when you say “no,” and that’s because they’re so used to you saying “yes” to everything. You are now dependent on your constant responsibility. However, you desperately need a break.

During the cold full moon, see this as your chance to simply escape from everyday life without having to apologize. You may find that you don't even respond to the people in your life when they make their demands. You don't want to be rude, but you really don't want to interfere. It's okay, Capricorn. They will get used to it and give you your space. You will be fine, and so will they. No worries here.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.