1664785667 30 year old Italian arrested in Iran Alessias fathers appeal

30 year old Italian arrested in Iran. Alessia’s father’s appeal: “Please help us”

Protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini

A 30-year-old Italian girl, Alessia Piperno, originally from Rome, was arrested in Tehran, Iran. Appeal from Father Alberto on Facebook: “We have moved with the Farnesina, but everyone’s help is needed”.

30 year old Italian arrested in Iran Alessias fathers appeal

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Protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini

“This girl is Alessia Piperno, and she is my daughter. She is a lonely traveler, she travels the world to learn about the customs and traditions of peoples. She has always adapted and respected the traditions and, in some cases, the commitments of each country she has visited.

This is how the long post published on Facebook begins Albert Piperno pleading for help after her daughter Alessia, just 30, was arrested in Iran, where protests broke out following the death of Mahsa Amini.

“We hadn’t heard from her for 4 days since her 30th birthday, September 28th. Even her last access to her cell phone reports this date. A call comes in this morning. It was she who cried and warned us that she was in prison A Tehran. In Iran. She had been arrested by police along with her friends as she was preparing to celebrate her birthday birthday. It was only a few words, but desperate. He asked for help,” wrote Alberto, a bookstore owner.

Spalletti at conference with roses for women killed in Iran: “For Mahsa Amini and Hadith Najafi”

1664785662 67 30 year old Italian arrested in Iran Alessias fathers appeal

Who added: “We moved with them straight away Farnesina, we called the Italian embassy in Tehran. But we still don’t know anything, not even the reason for the detention. They tell us they are moving…. And we parents and Brother David cannot sit idly by. You can’t stand still when a child tells you “please help me”… I’m not a photo poster and I rarely use social media, but today I couldn’t help it…. I want it to be known and for this message to reach as many people as possible, maybe the right one who can help us. Many Thanks”.

In which, could not be determined at the moment prison The young woman is arrested. In the Iranian capital, prisons would be numerous and it would not be so easy to reach them all.

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Alessia was in Iran for two months, waiting to return Pakistan. After graduating from high school, she was actually always there, a lover of the gods Travel and curious about customs and habits of distant populations.

Before moving to the Middle East, he had also lived in Australia, Iceland, Panama and Nicaragua. He could also work with an American platform self-employed which enabled her to organize trips or work as a remote secretary.

It’s also being followed up a lot Instagram where she shares videos and photos of her experiences around the world from her profile “travel.adventure.freedom” and describes herself as a “lonely traveler”.

His last post was 5 days ago: “In a few days my seventh year of travel will begin – wrote Alessia -. But looking back it feels like yesterday when I loaded my first backpack on my shoulders to reach the land of my dreams, Australia I have a dream ready in my head and in my heart. Reconstruction of a village in Pakistan. And do you know what the craziest thing is? I already know that … I will succeed”.

“Our daughter – the parents added in an interview with Messenger – copes in all situations, but she is not ruthless. On the contrary, she is always very attentive and inspired by great moral rigour. Don’t touch alcohol or worse, drugs. Because of this, we still don’t know how to explain what could have happened to her”.

Meanwhile, the Italian Embassy in Tehran is not only pursuing immediate steps to confirm Alessia’s arrest, but is also following the news of our compatriots involved in the protests in Iran, Farnesina sources know.