37 degrees Hammer heat is now hitting Austria

37 degrees! Hammer heat is now hitting Austria

The second heat wave of the year is about to begin! In the coming days, temperatures will rise to 37 degrees. Prognosis.

Over the weekend, the high “Evi” will shift from Central Europe to Eastern Europe and the Alpine region will gradually move forward from a pronounced low pressure complex over the Atlantic. The flow is therefore turning more and more towards the southwest, which is why warm and gradually also humid air masses reach the alpine region under the continuous influence of high pressure. For the start of the new week, this means not only a short but marked heatwave, with over 35 degrees in some places, but also an increased risk of thunderstorms in combination with a weak and creeping disturbance.

Summer heat is hitting Austria full force

At the Saturday Sunshine will dominate with some veiled clouds, only in the west there will be temporarily denser clouds in the morning. From midday, cumulus clouds will also form, followed by individual showers and thunderstorms, especially from the main Tyrolean mountain range from the Alps to Upper Styria. However, these are not very common, away from the Alps it generally remains friendly and dry. Temperatures continue to rise, reaching 27 to 32 degrees.

O Sunday it offers a bathing climate in mid-summer with often cloudless sunshine. In the afternoon, individual warm storms will form in the main range of the Alps and in the southern highlands, but will remain friendly and dry in large parts of the country. In addition to the valley winds that arise during the day, the wind does not interfere and with 28 to 34 degrees it will be even hotter.

37 degrees on Tuesday

also in Monday It is often sunny during the day, only from Vorarlberg to Upper Austria are there some patches of cloud at the beginning. During the day, cumulus clouds form in some areas, and, especially in the mountains, individual heat storms occur in the second half of the day. Some of them are also reaching the northern foothills of the Alps. From Upper Austria to northern Burgenland, moderate to strong westerly winds will pick up throughout the day. Temperatures rise to 29 to 36 degrees.

O Tuesday it starts predominantly sunny, only in the north there are some showers or thunderstorms on the way from early morning. In the morning, a friendly mixture of sun and clouds prevails, from midday the chance of thunderstorms increases, especially in the Waldviertel and in the eastern mountains. In the afternoon and evening there will be more thunderstorms from Vorarlberg to Upper Austria, with a risk of thunderstorms and strong westerly winds. With 30 to 37 degrees, the heat wave reaches its peak earlier.

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