4 Fun Facts About Liver King The TikTok Caveman Who

4 Fun Facts About Liver King, The TikTok Caveman Who Admitted To Using Steroids

A twist: The very muscular Liver King (“The Liver King” in French), who’s built an empire by eating raw organs on TikTok, has just admitted he’s been… on steroids. But who is this muscle-bound influencer? We take stock.

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He eats raw organs

Bull testicles, yacht liver or beef brain: there’s obviously not much that Brian Johnson aka Liver King doesn’t like.

Taking to social media, the man with the long beard, bulging biceps and toned abs has often touted the benefits of his diet high in red meat (and raw organs), which is said to be the secret to his great physique.

Only he didn’t tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth…

He had to admit that he was on steroids

Liver King has long denied taking steroids.

However, another fitness influencer revealed the truth, sharing emails in which Liver King describes his diet of drugs and hormones instead of meat.

Among the substances he took: regular injections of powerful anabolic steroids and some kind of growth hormone.

In light of these revelations, the TikTok caveman has released a video in recent days apologizing for lying. So far, her confession has been viewed almost three million times on YouTube.

He’s the head of an empire

Anyone who claims to have adopted this “ancestral” way of life more than 20 years ago is not just a simple influencer. He’s also an entrepreneur at the head of an empire no worse, Liver King Co.

He has his website, derivative products, his own leader and squad of Primals (primate in French), followers who use his services, and Liver King Co employees. Note to those interested elsewhere: Positions are within the company to occupy.

It is followed by millions of people

Brian Johnson began posting content on social media in August 2021. Since then, its popularity has skyrocketed. Liver King is now followed by more than 1.7 million people on Instagram and 3.7 million on TikTok. His YouTube channel has 236,000 subscribers.

Since his birth on social media, he has also participated in several popular podcasts, such as Logan Paul’s, in which he categorically denied allegations of steroid use.

− With information from the Washington Post