4 year old is forced to drink a bottle of

4 year old is forced to drink a bottle of whiskey by grandmother and dies

A 4 year old child died after being forced to drink a bottle of whiskey by her grandmother and mother. The case happened in the United States in the state of Louisiana last Thursday, April 21.

Roxanne Record, 53, the grandmother, and Kadjah Record, 28, the mother, were furious after catching the girl secretly sipping whiskey. Roxanne forced China’s record, 4, to do so Get on your knees and drink the contents of the bottle, that was more than half. The girl’s mother witnessed the incident without intervening.

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paramedic tried to revive the girl who died at home, unsuccessful. The autopsy found the child had a blood alcohol level eight times the legal limit for a person behind the wheel.

the two women were arrested in flagrante for child abuse and neglect. After her arrest, the grandmother said she had “gone too far” and felt fully responsible for what happened.

Cooperation with Bemfica de Oliva

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