50 Cent is angry and throws a microphone; File report: woman hit in the head .com

50 Cent Reproduction/Instagram

The American rapper 50 Cent got angry and threw the microphone during his concert in Los Angeles (USA) on Wednesday evening (30). A woman was hit in the head and taken to hospital. A police report was filed against the artist. (Watch the video below)

In the recording, which is circulating on social media, you can see the moment when 50 Cent throws the object and then continues the performance with another microphone. The confusion would have started after the artist received several devices that did not work.

According to information from the trade site TMZ, the object eventually hit radio host Bryhana Monegain. She was rescued and taken to hospital, where a laceration was found on her head. According to the publication, the woman who was shot also filed a police report against the singer.

Scott Leemon, 50 Cent’s attorney, told TMZ: “Let me be clear: my client Curtis (aka 50 Cent) would never intentionally hit anyone with a microphone. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t have all the facts and is misinformed.”