50th anniversary of the coup in Chile United Nations

50th anniversary of the coup in Chile United Nations

The 1973 coup was an institutional collapse that shattered the bonds of coexistence and shaped generations of Chileans, but also inspired many to fight for justice and freedom.

Today we pay tribute to the victims of this dark time and all the people who worked tirelessly to heal wounds and build a more inclusive and just society.

The coup and the death of Salvador Allende seven months before the Carnation Revolution touched me deeply, as did the stories of persecuted Chileans I met as refugees.

This anniversary coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The statement is intended to serve as a guide for us to listen to all victims and their families, to acknowledge their pain and to contribute to their right to truth, justice, reparation and non-recurrence.

The announcement of the missing persons search plan reflects the need to further strengthen historical memory in order to unite society and face forthcoming tasks and common problems looking to the future.

Today’s solid Chilean democracy gives us hope that humanity, united in its diversity, can solve any global challenge.

On this anniversary, we celebrate Chile’s commitment to democracy and human rights and reaffirm our commitment to building a more just, supportive and peaceful world.

Source: UN

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