7 out of 10 students in Brazil do not know

7 out of 10 students in Brazil do not know the minimum level of mathematics, says a global test Educação

The proportion of students with low achievement in mathematics is 31% in OECD countries, the “rich club”, while in Brazil it is 73%. The data published today refers to the year 2022 four years earlier, in 2018, this percentage was 68% of Brazilians (24% in the OECD).

Only 1% of students in Brazil achieved the best math performance. In countries such as Singapore, which leads the ranking with the best results, 41% of students achieved this indicator.

In the overall ranking of the discipline, Brazil takes 64th place 80 countries took part in the evaluation. Students from Singapore, Macau, Japan and Korea take the top spots.

The richest Brazilian students scored 77 points higher in the subject than the poorer students. However, inequality was lower compared to the average of 37 OECD countries, which is 93 points.

The lack of mathematics teachers and difficulties in training are cited as reasons for Brazil’s poor performance. “There is also a certain stigma against this discipline that exists in several countries, not just Brazil,” says João Marcelo Borges, research and innovation manager at Instituto Unibanco.

PISA measures the performance of 15yearold students in mathematics, reading and science. Mathematical skills have been given greater focus in this edition.