Despite tensions in the Middle East, the clinic has managed to be a place of peace in recent years, says chief doctor Hiyam Marzouqa. The hospital is funded by donations.
Caritas Baby Hospital in Belém operated successfully last year despite Corona conditions. This emerges from the annual report that the sponsoring association…
Founded in 1953, the clinic is the only children’s hospital in the West Bank. It is also one of the most important employers in the region. The number of patients is constantly increasing; around 47 thousand children and young people were treated last year.
Archbishop Stephan Burger of Freiburg has now confirmed that the hospital is very important for the medical care of sick children in the Palestinian territories. The current head physician is Hiyam Marzouqa. She completed her medical studies in Germany.
Celebrations around the 70th anniversary will take place in Germany and Switzerland
(kap/kna – yes)