AI generated text could increase exposure to threats identifying malicious or

98% of people believe that AI has inherited human bias because of the data behind it, and 45% believe this is AI’s biggest problem, according to the Tidio survey

AI generated text could increase exposure to threats identifying malicious or
Many seem to believe that AI can help us make better decisions. Because what can be more objective than a machine? Well, studies have shown that AI, just like humans, can be biased. It’s humans entering the data primarily to run its machine learning algorithm, so it makes sense that it’s starting to learn many of the biases we operate under.

A poll by Tidio found that 98% of people think AI is biased. 45% of people who responded to this survey said that this is indeed the biggest problem with AI, and 40% added that the developers are responsible for these biases, even when everything has been considered and considered.

The data sets used to train the AI ​​are also responsible. They contain all of our biases, and they would definitely show up when the AI ​​started using them.

Despite this, the latest AI iterations developed by Open AI show promise. When asked to show an ambitious CEO, for example, the AI ​​ended up rendering a black man and a woman in business attire. This is most likely due to a conscious effort by Open AI to reduce bias in DALL-E.

However, Stable Diffusion is clearly busy as it represented only middle-aged white males when it received this request. When asked to represent a nurse, she only shows women. This is a sure sign of bias and suggests the folks behind Stable Diffusion aren’t doing enough to counteract it.

Changes must be made if the AI ​​is to be upgraded. Otherwise, it will just be an advanced presentation of the same old prejudices we’ve lived with for thousands of years.

98 of people believe that AI has inherited human bias

Source: Tidio

And you?

NVIDIAs NeRF AI can reconstruct a 3D scene from a Do you think this investigation by Tidio is relevant?

NVIDIAs NeRF AI can reconstruct a 3D scene from a Do you think it is possible to improve AI systems so that they are unbiased? If so, what could the risks be?

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