Vice President of Bolivia warns of coup plans

988 kilograms of cocaine seized in the province of Panama

Panama City, November 1 (Prensa Latina) – The State Department today reported the seizure of 988 kilograms of cocaine in the eastern province of Colón in containers bound for the European market.

According to that area’s drug prosecutor, Eduardo Rodríguez, the seizure and arrest of four people transporting the drugs was the result of the Patria operation.

Rodríguez explained that so far in 2022, 27 operations have been carried out in the ports of Colón, where 1,785 kilograms of illegal substances have been found.

Also in another operation called Tocumen in the province of Panama, authorities seized 500 kilograms of cocaine from the criminal network led by Dangelo Ramírez, who is on the National Police (PN) Most Wanted List.

According to prosecutor Marta Barrios, this network operated in the provinces of Darién, Panama and western Panama and shipped the drug to the United States and Europe.

The raids led to the arrest of 19 people, including two lawyers, one civil servant and two Colombian nationals.

During the proceedings, authorities managed to seize $12,000 in cash, a firearm, 550 pieces of ammunition of various calibers, two bulletproof vests, three boats and eight cars.

The PN’s director, Jhon Dornheim, explained that the two operations were carried out in cooperation with the National Border Service and drug prosecutors.

Dornheim added that during the National Day celebrations this month of November, patrols will be doubled in the neighborhoods and points with the busiest vehicle traffic in the Isthmus country.

According to official figures from the Ministry of Security (MInseg), with more than 100 tons of drugs seized so far in 2022, Panama has surpassed its drug seizure record for the second straight year.
