Google is expanding its policy on deleting personal data

Google is expanding its policy on deleting personal data

Internet users can therefore submit a request to Google, but under certain conditions: the individual must be the victim of threats or harassment in connection with the data disclosed online.

It was already possible to ask Google to remove a credit card number, a medical record or even a social security number from its search results pages under the same conditions. The list of requests accepted by the web giant has therefore been expanded to include phone numbers, email addresses and postal addresses.

The aim is to reduce the risk of harassment, particularly in connection with the disclosure of confidential data by malicious individuals (doxxing).

Internet disclosure of personal information, better known as doxxing, is the public disclosure of someone’s email address, home address, or phone number with the intent to harm him or her.

The internet is evolving – information can appear in unexpected places, with new ways to use it – according to our privacy policy [des utilisateurs et utilisatrices] needs to evolve as well,” said Michelle Chang, head of global policy at Google Search.

The latter clarified that the evaluation of the pages brought to Google’s attention was not aimed at hiding press articles that could, for example, contain postal addresses of public interest.

“We will also check whether this content appears in public documents, government pages or other official sources. In this case we will not carry out the revocation. »

– A quote from Michelle Chang, Head of Global Policy at Google Search

In an interview with Reuters, Michelle Chang stated that 13% of delisting requests are successful, a statistic she wants inflated. She also clarified that complaints are reviewed within a few days.

Submitting a request to Google is a first step in deleting personal data, but it’s not the end, as the information may remain accessible on other search engines. Michelle Chang encourages Internet users to contact the website hosting the pages disclosing confidential information directly.

To submit a delisting request to Google, go to the Search Engine Help Center site (New window).