1674515722 Test your eyesight find the fish in up to 12

Test your eyesight: find the fish in up to 12 seconds Multiverso Notícias

The human eye can see many things, but visual stimuli are interpreted by our brain like a computer reading a QR code. Therefore, what we see is not always what we actually see, because everything revolves around light stimuli that are encoded by our brain to enable us to understand the world.

Images, colors and different lighting effects can be used to confuse our perception. An example is the magicians and illusionists who usually use these tricks to perform their presentations.

If you don’t believe these words, just do a quick internet search and you will find several exams or riddles that help to understand how our optical system works.

The following image is such a test. In addition, it helps us understand how our brain can be fooled by a challenge as simple as finding a fish in a drawing without colors.

First you will find that your mind automatically tries to fill the drawing with colors that you assign to these shapes. Because that’s a way your brain finds to help you understand what’s going on.

Try to find the fish in 12 seconds

So let’s do the test. By the way, your phone probably has a stopwatch, so use it to count 12 seconds. In the meantime, like I said, look for the hidden fish in the picture.

This test is relatively easy, but don’t get frustrated if you don’t find the fish in the allotted time. If you didn’t get it, don’t look at the answer right away, try reducing the time limit (after all, you’ve already looked closely at the picture) and keep trying, reducing your time until you get it it.

If you are not interested and want to look for similar challenges, don’t hesitate and check out the answer below. Tests like this are great for not only understanding how your mind works, but also for developing your observation and investigative skills.

Check out the challenge answer; See where the fish has been all this time: