Guys like that arent worth it woman removes her makeup

“Guys like that aren’t worth it”; woman removes her makeup in front of her boyfriend and he leaves her | VIDEO

Editorial Mediotempo

Mexico City / 01/23/2023 14:39:26

On social networks it is very common to see videos of content creators who usually launch various viral challenges people, so that they can earn money in this context, A woman who was dating her boyfriend accepted 2,000 pesos for removing all of her makeup; However, his partner’s reaction left a lot to be desired, because when he saw the result of the challenge, he decided leave her.

Woman removes makeup on the street and her partner leaves her. VIDEO

The shot shared on Lupita Anaya’s profile and titled “I bid money to remove makeup on the street. unexpected end”is seen arriving where there is a couple looking very much in love and demanding the young woman to remove all the makeup that she has on her face thousand pesosbut after a few seconds it accepts for the amount of 2 thousand pesos.

Gradually and with the help of some wet wipes, the lady began to do it clean your rosetreitherbut when he was done, he realized that her boyfriend -with whom she had been dating for two weeks- had away from the place.

“And Christian? Where is he?” the young woman can be heard saying. “Oh, don’t stain! Don’t tell me it’s gone? Did he leave me because I took my makeup off? Don’t pass, I already knew. Challenge over and new single,” she added.

User reactions to the video

As expected, the recording received many Remarks in which the users of social networks did not hesitate criticize the friend’s reaction of the girl

“How barbaric. She looked very pretty without makeup,” “What a bad wave with the boy, he didn’t love her”, “Guys like that aren’t worth ityou did him a favor by making him realize there was no future in this relationship”, “not even that the guy was cute”, “He’s a worthless man. He didn’t see your heart” can be read between the reactions.