The application, which Facebook bought for over $20 billion in 2011, continues to evolve with updates.
Recently, the application introduced a very unique new feature that seems unknown, which is the ability to chat with yourself.
It allows you to chat with yourself by sending each other messages, photos, videos, etc.
To share a shopping list, a reminder or to facilitate the transfer of photos and videos, the WhatsApp application allows you to send messages. Additionally, WhatsApp now sends an alert every time a user sends an image, video, GIF, or document.
The messages you send each other are synchronized across all devices. This feature is very handy for recovering data between different devices that use an iPhone but work on a Windows computer. In addition to text messages, the latest update also supports the sending of files such as photos, videos and documents.
This feature therefore allows you to create a private discussion thread with yourself in the application to save personal notes, which can be written or oral, as well as media (audio, photos and videos).
Over the past two months, this new “Message to Yourself” feature has been gradually rolled out. She appeared in the patch notes for the latest version of the app, rolling out this week.
Messages to self work and look like normal chats. To message yourself on WhatsApp, all you have to do is open a new chat and write a new message. You can then select your own contact to appear at the top of the list to fuel your introspective conversation.
You should know that the messages you send to yourself on WhatsApp are end-to-end encrypted.
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