1674527837 Retirement Here are the top 10 cheapest foreign countries for

Retirement: Here are the top 10 cheapest foreign countries for the French

According to a study, Greece remains the most interesting country to spend your retirement.  (Pixabay / Michelle Raponi)

According to a study, Greece remains the most interesting country to spend your retirement. (Pixabay / Michelle Raponi)

Are you planning to spend your retirement abroad? The website retraitessansfrontieres.fr has compiled its annual ranking of the most attractive countries according to various criteria such as taxes, security, cost of living or healthcare system. This puts Greece ahead of Portugal and Spain.

As every year, the site retraitessansfrontieres.fr was interested in the ten most advantageous countries for French retirees. In 2022, the podium is the same as last year: Greece is the most attractive country, ahead of Portugal and Spain, indicates Capital, which is sharing this study.

Twelve criteria were evaluated. These include the cost of living, real estate prices, the health system or the climate and security. Greece attracts retirees mainly because of its climate, leisure activities and safety conditions. Even if the cost of living is comparable to France, you can also benefit from tax advantages. Former private sector employees are taxed at 7% for 10 years before being subject to the same rules as Greeks.

Portugal and Spain close

Portugal has left the first place in the ranking for several years. The 10-year tax exemption was abolished in March 2021. Now the income tax rate for the first 10 years is 10%. But the country remains attractive because of its accessibility, safety and leisure. The cost of living and real estate prices are a barrier to installation. Spain is characterized by a healthcare system similar to ours, which for some makes you forget the lack of tax benefits.

Two Maghreb countries are very close: Morocco (4th) and Tunisia (5th). Above all, the two countries offer an attractive environment coupled with rather low living costs. Another African country is in the top 10: Senegal at number 8.

Two Asian destinations are doing well: Thailand (6th) and Bali (9th). Both countries benefit from attractive living costs, but the former also has a better healthcare system. Finally, two islands appear in this top 10: Mauritius (7th) and the Dominican Republic (10th).