Estonia and Latvia demand the departure of Russian ambassadors

Estonia and Latvia demand the departure of Russian ambassadors

Published on: 01/23/2023 – 18:25

Relations between Tallinn and Moscow have continued to deteriorate in recent hours. Following the announcement on Monday morning of the expulsion of the Estonian ambassador from Russia, Tallinn responded with a similar measure, and Riga also announced the dismissal of the Russian ambassador.

The explanations of our regional correspondent, Marielle Vitureau

In recent years, according to Moscow, Estonia has only worsened relations with its Russian neighbor. The final straw that broke the camel’s back: the recent expulsion from Tallinn of thirteen Russian diplomats and eight technical staff. Moscow therefore reacted by expelling the Estonian ambassador.

For the latter, the Russian decision is a blow. Questioned by the public broadcaster, he regrets that the chargé d’affaires, who will keep their posts in Moscow, cannot have access to the same sources. In times of war, however, they are more than necessary.

Therefore, to respond to Russia, Estonia decided to do the same. The Estonian foreign minister has called on other European countries to also apply the parity principle.

The head of Estonian diplomacy noted that the number of staff employed in Russian diplomatic missions abroad is often disproportionate. The call was heard from neighboring Latvia, which also just announced the sacking of the Russian ambassador.

The three Baltic states have stood together since the beginning of the war. A question of security.

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