Ex’A Fazenda’ Contestant Arrested and Suspected of Beating 5YearOld Son

José Lucas Barreto, former participant in the reality show “A Fazenda, on TV recording”, was arrested by agents of the 72nd DP in São Gonçalo and accused of hitting his 5yearold son. G1.

Lucas, now 34, had a turbulent time on the show A Fazenda de Verão in 2012 and was eventually expelled from management for his aggressive behavior. On this occasion he even threatened one of his colleagues with an axe.

The case in which the son was injured would have happened in the neighborhood of Nova Cidade, in São Gonçalo, in the Rio metropolitan area. The boy had a broken shoulder and doctors were suspicious of the child’s behavior in the hospital. As a witness, Lucas denied the allegation, saying the fracture happened during a fight between the two.

Lucas Barreto in 2012 in the program 'A Fazenda' Lucas Barreto 2012 in the show “A Fazenda” Photo: Reproduction

The Rio Public Ministry reported that the child still had injuries and abrasions on other parts of his body, such as his mouth and nose. The agency called for Lucas to be arrested.

According to nurses, they had even said to the boy, “You will pay me,” followed by a hanging gesture with their hands.

Lucas Barreto participating in Lucas Barreto taking part in “A Fazenda”, 2012 Photo: reproduction