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White House defends itself in Biden case over classified documents

After another document was found, the White House returned to defend the actions of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, in the case of the secret documents. The president has voluntarily given the Justice Department access to his home, Ian Sams, spokesman for the White House counsel, said yesterday.

Over the weekend, it became known that FBI federal police investigators found other secret documents in Biden’s home in the US state of Delaware. Investigators had “an unprecedented ability to access notes, files, papers, lists, memorabilia and other handwritten materials from decades ago in his home,” Sams said.

Some of that came from Biden’s time as vice president, some from his time as a senator, said Biden’s lawyer, Bob Bauer. The nearly 13-hour search had already taken place on Friday.

Several documents found

In recent weeks, confidential documents have repeatedly surfaced in Biden’s private rooms. The public only learned of some of the finds when the media reported them. Attorney General Merrick Garland hired a special attorney to investigate the incidents.

The FBI’s search of the private chambers of a sitting US president is highly unusual. When asked specifically if investigators had already requested such a search, Sams did not respond directly. He only emphasized that this was “consensual” and “by design”.

The discovery of documents is also explosive for Biden because former Republican President Donald Trump caused a scandal with a similar case in the summer.