ExFazenda de Verao is arrested in Rio after breaking the

Ex’Fazenda de Verão’ is arrested in Rio after breaking the arm of his own son,

Observatory of the Famous

posted on 01/23/2023 21:56

At the police station, José Lucas explained that the child broke his shoulder in a fight between the two  (Credit: TV Record/Reproduction)

At the police station, José Lucas explained that the child broke his shoulder in a fight between the two (Credit: TV Record/Reproduction)

Agents from the 72nd DP (São Gonçalo) arrested 34yearold José Lucas Dias Barreto on charges of hitting his 5yearold son. The case occurred in the Nova Cidade district of São Gonçalo, in the metropolitan area. José is a former contestant of the reality show “The farm”.

According to prosecutors, the victim was taken to an emergency room with a broken shoulder and other injuries and abrasions to the mouth, nose and other parts of the body. The child also had bruises and cigarette marks on his legs. Doctors were suspicious of the child’s behavior and referred him to social services on suspicion of aggression and abuse.

According to the nurses, José Lucas threatened the child, saying, “You’re going to pay me,” while gesturing with his hands as if to slit her throat. At the police station, the father claimed that the child broke his shoulder during a playful argument between the two.

The deputy called for the arrest of José Lucas due to the injuries found and the behavior of the child and the father himself, who on several occasions showed aggression towards his son.

The post “Exfazenda arrested in Rio after breaking his own son’s arm” was first published in Observatório dos Famosos.

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