The daily average of hospital admissions for Covid19 in the state of São Paulo in the 16th epidemiological week of 2022 is between 17th and 17th April.
After peaking at 1,521 daily hospitalizations in January, rates began to decline gradually, bottoming out at an average of 146 hospitalizations per day in the week before last. However, last week they rose by 6%, registering an average of 155 patients requiring hospital care every day.
The number of deaths also rose again after six weeks in a row. On average, 22 people were killed a day, up from 20 last week an 8.5% increase.
The number of testconfirmed cases continued to fall, from a daily average of 4,356 cases to 3,628 (a 16.7% decrease).
The number of hospital admissions is considered the most reliable to check the trend of the epidemic in Brazil: the records are made when the patient enters the facilities and are immediately transmitted to the system.
Cases can be underreported because not all people who contract coronavirus undergo screening to determine if they have the disease. A good proportion are even asymptomatic and do not even suspect that they have been infected.
“The number of hospital admissions and also the number of deaths has increased very slightly. But the vaccine has proven effective at a time when life has practically returned to normal,” said Health Secretary Jean Gorinchteyn.
He states that the numbers now being analyzed have not yet consolidated the events recorded immediately after Carnival. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude that the rise was in any way related to the hype.
Gorinchteyn sent the column a text from the Secretariat, saying that if São Paulo were a nation, it would rank first among the countries that vaccinate the most against Covid19 in the world, with 86.83% of the population , compared to countries with a population of 40 million or more.
“The country that comes closest to the São Paulo brand is South Korea (86.82%),” according to the state government survey. “Then follow Spain (86.37%), China (86.33%), Japan (80.47%), Italy (79.35%), France (77.92%), Brazil (76.49%) , Germany (75.45%), United Kingdom (72.88%). ) and US (66.11%) percentages are regularly updated from Oxford University’s Our World In Data portal.
According to the Secretariat, “among those who can receive the doses, that is, everyone over 5 years old, SP has already reached the mark of 92.92% of the population vaccinated with both doses and 100% with at least one dose In the In general, the state has already reached 93.52% of the population with at least one dose. This Thursday (28th), the vacinometer ( records 108.7 million doses used in the 645 cities of São Paulo”.
The note ends by noting that “vaccination with additional doses in recent weeks, with more than 26.4 million doses applied, has also increased in the population, ahead of Piauí (44.08%), Paraíba (44.01%) and Ceará (43.73%).
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