At the beginning of June, various absurdities about celebrities, singers and personalities went viral on the Internet. The latest of them have suggested that Michael Jackson, who died in 2009, is in fact still alive and being placed “unconscious” in some form of cold storage. The news would have been published by a profile linked to the Anonymous network, which claims to have accessed virtually private documents and intimate information belonging to countless celebrities.
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With no proven connection to the US hacking group, the profile @AnonymousACCs On Twitter, he accused the star’s family of freezing him using the cryogenics technique. Family members sealed Michael Jackson’s body in a tank of liquid nitrogen at minus 200 degrees. The conspiracy theory beyond whimsical and with no concrete evidence also states that the plan to revive Michael Jackson in the future would come from the doctor Conrad Murray and also points out that the star would be kept alive. The profile also shared an alleged photo and some videos below:
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Netizens suspect anonymous profiles are taking advantage of Anonymous’ hysterical outburst in American and Brazilian politics to pretend to be associated with the hackers group. It is worth remembering that Swedish DJs Avicii, Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington would have been some victims of some fake information that went viral on social networks. The trio of theoretically suicidal musicians would have actually been murdered after discovering a pedophile network run by billionaire businessman Jeffrey Epstein.
Not only does the anonymous network cite the musicians, but its alleged list would also include other figures who have died, asking if their deaths were suicide or accidental. Paul Walker, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and Lady Di are other celebrities mentioned. All coincidentally with tragic deaths that are widely reported in the media. The famous deceased would have important information about the criminal activities of Jeffrey Epstein’s investigative network and was therefore murdered, according to the Anomymous network. But here, too, rockers Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, for example, are not quoted in the published list.
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Many of these celebrities would have been invited to the late billionaire’s parties Jeffrey Epstein, which deals with the sexual abuse of minors. It should be noted that the businessman killed in 2019 was the target cautious denunciations about a real financial system of child sex abuse and trafficking by US authorities. The hacker profile accuses Epstein of being killed at the behest of Donald Trump to “cover up his history of abuse and rape.”
Watch a video below that was produced using the allegations made specifically for the Jeffrey Epstein case:
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The 91page list, titled “Jeffrey’s Epstein Little Black Book” (something like “Listenha Negra de Jeffrey’s Epstein”) also includes names of Trump family members such as his daughter Ivanka, his exwives Blaine Trump and Ivana Trump’s younger brother Robert Trump. In addition to billionaire names, there would also be names of celebrities such as Chris Tucker and Naomi Campbell. These, yes, appear in a simple search of the list, just a quick access.
But to relate the musicians Avicii, Michael Jackson, Chester Bennington or Chris Cornell on alleged allegations of cryogenics, trafficking and exploitation of minors with all the concrete information to date would be completely wrong. They are not mentioned in the list. The musicians have not (yet) been linked in any way to manager Jeffrey Stein or cryonics companies, and such treatment could dishonor their history in world music and entertainment. Viral information will be presented as FAKE NEWS for now!
Learn a little about the Anonymous group:
According to the channel ‘Did You Know?’ From YouTube, before understanding Anonymous, you must know about “hacktivism”, hackers + activism, they use their technological knowledge to carry out their hacking attacks, but always with a specific reason or suggestion. That is, they only attack when they believe or have a greater reason to.
They are divided worldwide and believe that corrupt companies and organizations must be attacked. It all started in 2003 when a group of hackers met on a platform where everyone was anonymous, at first they did everything just for fun. At first they hacked children’s games and also dating sites for mockery.
But they had A LOT of knowledge, so they decided to use their skills for something more important. Anonymous doesn’t have a leader, which is why their main symbol is a man with a question mark for his head. Contrary to popular belief, there is no specific rule for anonymity, they must remain anonymous and fight for a cause they believe in. They use the mask from the movie “V for Vendetta” to represent the anarchy that exists behind the group. Therefore, the group is made up of different people from different backgrounds.
The most relevant anonymous attacks
The first attack that brought Anonymous to the world’s attention was in 2008 during a protest against the Church of Scientology. Actor Tom Cruise preached that only the Church of Scientology saved, and someone filmed and shared that scene. The video had a huge impact and the church asked for the video to be removed for copyright infringement. Anonymous took this as “censorship” and decided to attack the church’s websites. At the same time, several antichurch demonstrations erupted and people wore masks, just like Anonymous.
After that first act, the group became known around the world. Shortly after the Islamic State attack in Paris in 2015, the anonymous group ISIS declared war and launched the hashtag OPISIS, with which the group deleted more than 2000 accounts on social networks related to the Islamic State and also anonymously managed several on the deep web removing ISISrelated sites from the air, not to mention that they managed to compromise most of the online currencies used by the Islamic State, that is, they did a lot of damage.
One of Anonymous’ most notable operations was certainly this. The idea of the operation was to combat and eliminate everything related to pedophilia on the deep web. One of the ways to fight these crimes was to expose companies that provided platforms for these websites to get online, thus leaving pedophile criminals to act freely. They have taken down hundreds of pedophilia websites. They discovered more than 1500 names of criminals using these sites and the group was responsible for helping to arrest sex offender Cris Fourkand, in order to achieve this act some members of the group hacked into these sites and posed as innocent children until they got enough evidence to implicate these bandits.
You have already done several other things such as B. Attacks on government websites, and even the FBI has been hacked by the group. For a better understanding, watch the video where all this information is taken from: