On the porch after lunch Attilius and Nicole they talk about Anthony and his relationship with women. “I have to tell the truth about this story either Geneva I don’t think so,” the journalist explains his reasoning in a series of statements.
When Ginevra was a guest in the house, the journalist tried several times to ask her whether the relationship with the man outside was real and how intense it was. Geneva had a lot of reluctance and didn’t want to talk about it, but after some time admitted to having a relationship in the realization phase.
“So if there’s someone out there, what did you come for?” asks the VIP, making a general speech. The story began with a friendship, flowing looks, excited eyes, delayed greetings. What confuses the journalist the most is the future between Antonino and Ginevra, if she is busy then how can there be a story between them?
Nicole is left to her own devices, she has never met the girl and never seen the relationship between her and the hairdresser. “She’s very fascinating, she’s somewhere in between Oriana and you,” says Attilio, then his reflections move to Antonino’s past and present, the role of father, companion, an important story behind him that might still be outdated for the journalist: “He travels at reduced speed”.
The future seems unwritten and less and less clear for the journalist, especially for Antonino. What impact will this conversation have? Will it be useful for Nicole to better understand the hairdresser?