Model Cintia Dicker, partner of surfer Pedro Scooby, has revealed the reason for the surgery the couple’s daughter underwent shortly after giving birth. According to her, the baby, whose name is Aurora, has been diagnosed with gastroschisis, a congenital gastrointestinal malformation.
In an interview for Vogue Magazine, Cintia revealed that she discovered the pregnancy early. Upon morphological examination, she and Scooby received word that their daughter suffered from gastroschisis.
What is gastroschisis
Gastrointestinal surgeon Gustavo Patury of São Luiz Hospital and director of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery explains that gastroschisis is a congenital defect in the baby’s abdominal wall that does not close completely. The opening causes part of the intestines and other intestines to exit through the hole, which is exposed to amniotic fluid during pregnancy. When exposed, these intestines are at increased risk of inflammation and infection.
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