A 24yearold woman has died after using a spoon filled with milk residue to mix her tea. The incident happened on December 30 while Jess Prinsloo and her fiancé were visiting her mother in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Jess had a milk protein allergy and suffered a severe reaction that resulted in her throat closing up after drinking the tea. She was hospitalized but could not resist and died the next day.
Jess’ fiancé, Craig McKinnon, told The Mirror that she always carries two injections of rescue medicine with her whenever she has a severe allergic reaction. However, on this occasion the drug had no effect.
Jess was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy when she was just nine months old. McKinnon also says his fiancee underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation when she was 18 after eating an Indian dish that had milk in it.
Jess was 24 years old
She got engaged four days before her death
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Unlike lactose intolerance, whose symptoms only appear in the gastrointestinal tract, intolerance to milk protein causes severe reactions such as hives, asthma, wheezing, bloody stools, vomiting and anaphylactic reactions (severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction).
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