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EPP chief Weber for a change in asylum policy ​​

European People’s Party (EPP) leader Manfred Weber has called for “substantial changes” to the EU asylum system, including requests outside the Union. “At the EU’s external borders there should at least be a quick check of who has a chance of asylum,” he told newspapers of the Funke media group. Weber also spoke out in favor of fencing at the EU’s external borders and presented a new edition of the EU maritime rescue mission in the Mediterranean.

“Fences are always the last resort, but we need them whenever gangs of human smugglers try to circumvent European law,” Weber said. “If there is no other technical way to stop illegal migration, then fences must be conceivable.” As examples, he cited the eastern border of the EU, the Mediterranean region and the border between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

Weber was also open to asylum procedures outside the European Union. If migrants arrive from safe third countries such as Turkey, the first procedural steps can already take place there. Weber suggested EU offices in Tunisia or Egypt, for example, where people from Africa can apply for asylum in Europe.

The Bavarian politician also demanded changes to sea rescue. This is a sovereign task of the State. “We must therefore look into relaunching an EU mission in the Mediterranean”, demanded Weber, emphasizing: “We want to save lives, but we must not privatize it”.

Ahead of the next week’s special EU summit on migration, Weber urged all heads of government to “deliver”. This also includes Germany and Austria as important recipient countries. “This would also be important in view of the 2024 European elections, in order to deplete right-wing agitators of ammunition.”