About 1400 Cubans have entered the United States since January

About 1,400 Cubans have entered the United States since January 6 on the new humanitarian parole program

About 1,400 Cubans have entered the United States under the new humanitarian parole program announced by that country’s government on January 5, published in the New York Times.

The number of Cubans who have entered the United States on parole is five times the number of Haitians who have (280). and it exceeds almost 35 times the number of Nicaraguans (44) who entered US territory via this route in the same period.

The “internal data” accessed by The New York Times also reflects that about 14,700 Venezuelans have entered U.S. territory since October 18, 2022, when Joe Biden’s administration implemented the Venezuelan Citizens Program.

The American media recalled that the Biden government announced this on January 5 People from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti who cross the Mexican border without permission are denied the opportunity to seek asylum.

In recent months, migrant arrivals at the U.S. southern border have smashed records, straining the resources of border officials and communities. They had also sparked GOP attacks on Joe Biden’s border politics.

The number of Cuban migrantsNicaraguans, Haitians and Venezuelans caught attempting to trespass is down 97%according to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), quoted by the New York Times.

As of December 11, 2022, the average number of illegal emigrants apprehended daily, seven days a week was 3,367. By January 24, they had dropped to 115.

DHS said the new measures resulted in significantly fewer illegal entries in January than in December, when numbers hit record highs.

The measures implemented by President Joe Biden have drawn criticism from both his Democrats and Republicans.

On January 26th A group of Democratic congressmen and senators urged him to reconsider his immigration policies. In a letter, lawmakers demanded that the new asylum restrictions on the border with Mexico be lifted.

The letter, signed by nearly 80 members of Congress and led by Bob Menéndez, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greg Casar, criticized that the expansion of the permit program for immigrants from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti was at the expense of the right to asylum at the border.

“Instead of issuing a new asylum transit ban and expanding Title 42, we call for the retention of the Commitment to restore and protect the rights of asylum seekers and refugees‘ the text emphasized.

The US government argued this month that its new measures are motivated by the “new migration pattern” taking place at the border, as “Political and economic instability around the world is driving some of the highest rates of migration‘, not seen since World War II.

Democratic lawmakers felt Biden was yielding to media and far-right pressure.

but Republican Congresswoman for the State of Florida, María Elvira Salazar, also criticized Biden’s immigration policy.

“The immigration problem in this country (USA) is just as important as the economic one. The problem of the border is despicable and despicable. What do the people of the Biden administration think? Immigration policy is in the hands of the executive branch, not the hands of the US Congress,” Salazar said in an interview with Radio Mambi.

Salazar said the new parole program is “a band-aid on a bleeding wound.” The Republican said that “they (the US government) thought that by issuing these visas, the migrants would stay in their homes and they would request them online. All of this is relief from a major problem.”

Cuba is experiencing the biggest migration crisis in its history. In November 2022, 35,849 migrants arrived in the US from the island, an average of nearly 1,200 per day. 44,064 Cubans entered the US irregularly in December, a daily average of 1,421. Throughout 2022, 321,658 migrants came to this country from the island.881 daily on average.