1651223551 Rai Maurizio Mannoni unleashed quotAbsolute dictatorship of the conductor drift

Rai, Maurizio Mannoni unleashed: "Absolute dictatorship of the conductor, drift without return". Targeting Berlinguer?

Rai Maurizio Mannoni unleashed quotAbsolute dictatorship of the conductor drift

Francesco Fredella April 29, 2022

This is definitely not the first time Maurizio Mannoni raise your voice Now the Rai 3 journalist thunders against the “absolute dictatorship“of the conductor. Without naming names, without accusing anyone in particular, but the message – for insiders – seems clear enough. The historical face of Lineanotte speaks during an interview with Il Corriere della Sera, talking about talk shows and therefore about the figure of the conductor .

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At this point he leaves behind an aura of mystery with a real cannon shot. “You don’t need rules (for talk shows, editor’s note) that are imposed from outside, it would suffice to go back to the television of the pastwith web directors, masters and authors as it should be, e.g Averting the absolute dictatorship of the tenant“. And again he adds: “Now the conductor decides who to invite, what line to give to the program, everything – he notes -. The program does not belong to whoever directs it, but from the Rai that radiates it and that it must regain its role”.

According to an absolutely unleashed Mannoni, it is “a hustle and bustle of no return. The conductor feels obliged to exaggerate to attract more viewers, while Rai should aim for the quality index. And then the ratings for the talks plummet. It’s time to start thinking about smarter, less noisy television, where debate is an opportunity for reflection and civil clashes between ideas, rather than creating new monsters,” he stresses.

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But who is Mannoni for? Are you addressing a specific person? In truth, too easy to find that age-old contradiction between the lines Bianca Berlinguer (and also with Franco di Mare, director of Rai 3). And indeed, when Mannoni declares that “there is no need for externally imposed rules of conversation,” he seems to be referring precisely to the event sparked by the guests of Alessandro Orsini in CartaBianca. In short, for Mannoni these rules are useless, but the “absolute dictatorship” of the conductor must be abolished. All answers are awaited…