Colombian government announced youth and infrastructure projects

Colombian government announced youth and infrastructure projects

The Colombian head of state announced a program aimed at 100,000 young people from popular sectors that the state will support with resources so that they can “eat and learn” and become a force for peace, the local press stressed this Sunday .

During a meeting with young people in the city of Cali, in the department of Valle del Cauca, he highlighted “the society of businessmen and the society of popular youth” whose example can be transferred to the nation as a whole to achieve this goal with 100,000 young people . .

At the event organized by youth leaders and Compromiso Valle, a social initiative bringing communities together with the private sector to transform this department, Petro added that this initiative is included in “the Budget Amendment Act.”

He assured that this money to implement the proposal will come from taxes stemming from the tax reform proposed by his government and passed last year.

“In this budget that we are going to present these days, you will see what we want as a government that is not a bullet for young people and is not deaf to what is fair. She tries to build the bridges together that connect us as a society,” he said.

Student leader and Presidential Advisor for Youth Gabriela Posso asserted that Colombian youth have a history of being persecuted, stigmatized and silenced.

“Today they want to harass her again through political pressure, affecting her mental health and delaying her freedom.

From @ColombiaJoven we join the call of President @petrogustavo

to defend the spokesmen of peace committed to social peace,” he said on his Twitter profile.

On the other hand, the Colombian Presidency announced this Saturday that the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the United Kingdom opens the door to closer cooperation in the field of railway infrastructure.

“By reactivating its railway sector, Colombia has the potential to address important challenges related to poverty reduction, competitiveness and climate protection,” said Transport Minister Guillermo Reyes.

The signing of the document also strengthens bilateral ties, promotes mutual economic development, and promotes the social and environmental benefits of modern and sustainable transport infrastructure.

Over the past five years, the UK government has invested more than €10 million in strategic technical assistance to the infrastructure sector in Colombia, with a particular focus on gender and inclusion, energy transition and sustainability.
