Fabrizio Corona is being investigated for attempted extortion denounced him

Fabrizio Corona is being investigated for attempted extortion. denounced him: “He blackmailed me with a …

there Milan Prosecutor’s Office opened a new investigation file Fabrizio Corona. This time he was denounced by a woman who approached him last year for editorial and promotional services for a book she was planning to publish that she felt had suffered harm alleged blackmail by the former “king of the paparazzi” with one in the middle intimate video that she represented and that he had made. In the last few days, for all that is known, Corona was the subject of a search by the Carabinieri as part of the investigation coordinated by Prosecutor Antonio Cristillo into the alleged crime of attempted extortion and fraud which is now being investigated following the denunciation of the woman, who is married and has children.

“He wanted to publish a book and it was published – explained the lawyer of Corona, the lawyer Ivano Chiesa – and then, Not happy with the sales, she took it out on FabrizioThe defense reported that “civil proceedings were already pending” between the two in connection with the contract for the Corona agency’s services to the woman. According to the defense, the former ‘VIP photographer’ also told her that ” if he had been forced to defend himself”, in the civil case “the personal relationship they had would also come out”, including this video documenting the relationship.

According to the complaint of the woman, who had already paid money to the Corona Agency for sponsoring the book, he instead he would have blackmailed her with this video at some point, for fear of possible dissemination. “Fabrizio gave the Carabinieri the videos and chats between them – said Chiesa – he has nothing to hide and there are witnesses”. And again: “I’m waiting for the subpoena from the prosecutor’s office so maybe we can immediately avoid another gigantic trial with a foregone conclusion. Nine times out of ten civil disputes involve criminal charges, and that’s a hoax.

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