Model Yuri Meirelles has temporarily deleted his profile on Instagram after leaking an erotic scene he performs with Anitta in the singer’s new clip. The production, recorded last week in the Tijuquinha favela in Rio de Janeiro, does not yet have a confirmed release date. The 26yearold says he was “terrified” of the repercussions of the fact and also of what he said was the “harassment” he was beginning to receive online.
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The sequence which has sparked controversy because it shows Anitta engaging in a sexual act in one of the community’s alleys was leaked after it was filmed by residents in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone. The video quickly went viral, and in less than 24 hours, Yuri Meirelles saw his followers on Instagram grow 20fold: from 6,000 to 120,000. And he started receiving tons of unusual messages, with singalongs, nudes, sensual photos…
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“Waiting for you in the alley ok dear?” one person commented on their digital profile on the day the clip’s sequence was leaked a week ago. Another netizen wrote: “I don’t know who is happier, if he or Anitta”. “Call me Anitta,” suggested another Instagram user. This Tuesday (31st), Yuri’s profile was temporarily taken off the air.
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“I figured people around here would know about it. But it was something I hadn’t imagined. I can’t touch the phone, it’s crazy,” he said in a recent interview with the Gshow website. “Anitta was super professional. The place was full of people with cameras… What happened is they posted like something happened,” he added.
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The Rio model’s family say they are concerned about the hypersexualization being used to treat their son’s image. “The way he’s exposed, this thing that has to do with sex, it’s very sensitive. But we have to learn to deal with it. He is of legal age. I raised my children for the world, the decisions are made by him really,” said Mauro Meirelles, the boy’s father, in an interview with SBT’s Fofocalizando program.
Anita speaks
Photo: reproduction
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Following the response to the video in which she simulates oral sex, Anitta, through her press office, stressed that the sequence was “one of the scenes of an audiovisual project” about which she was unable to provide any details.
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“I do what I want and people have two choices: Like and follow or don’t watch through the site.